Valenti Wordpress HD Review Magazine Theme
Valenti is a cutting-edge, feature-rich Wordpress premium HD (retina-ready) review magazine theme that is fully-responsive. Using the exclusive Valenti Drag & Drop Builder users can have fun creating a unique homepage and easily make modifications to it any time they wish. With Valentis powerful and integrated reviews system and widget, you can use Valenti fully as a review theme too. Valenti also comes with a unique megamenu system for beautiful drop down menus and also the ability to set the featured image of a post to have a parallax effect. And of course, Valenti comes with WooCommerce, bbPress and BuddyPress integration for the complete experience. Valenti truly is a premium review WordPress magazine for 2015 and beyond. Blogs, foodies and even newspaper sites will love Valenti!Valenti brings back the fun in building a website!
Some examples of sites using Valenti
Yury Music
Rosanna Davison Nutrition
Sounds Better With Reverb
Song For Night
Swanky Recipes
Snatcher (RTL)
Have bought tons of themes here, and this is by far the easiest (yet most sophisticiated) Ive ever seen. Was up and running in two minutes, Great work! Cmtusa
Easiest Theme Ive ever used EVER. Thank you! 2 minutes to set up. THANK YOU!!! soulsis97
I must say that this theme is by far the most easiest theme to work with, extreme fluidity, beautiful and lots of options. I am also so amazed by the outstanding support by the author. 5 Stars! Salute! MyVixion
I bought and installed Valenti over a week ago and the results have been amazing! My page views, time on site and revenue have increased significantly. The navigation allows the readers to see the older articles which keeps them on the site longer. The organization of the categories is perfect if you have a lot of content. The coding is clean and the back-end is simple to use. On top of all that, the support is great! I highly recommend Valenti and I couldnt be more satisfied. CrystalMHL
I would like to say I love this theme, ive buy it a few day ago. First is really esay to set up, even for people like me whos not speaking English very well. The support was fast and really kind. This theme has much possibilities, i continue to discover what hes offering. And the best of all my friends tell me that doesnt look anymore like a blog but like a true website. This theme is amazing and well coded. Lorelei66
Homepage Features
- Build your own unique homepage using the exclusive Valenti homepage drag and drop builder (no shortcodes or code required!)
- 4 different modern grid modules (4, 5 & 6 articles + a variation of the 5 grid) to show featured or latest posts.
- Full-width slider to show featured or latest posts.
- Slider to show featured or latest posts above posts loop.
- Offset Option for posts lists to not have duplicate posts appear on the same page.
- Custom Background Images or colors
- Custom general colors (Borders, menu hover colors, review boxes, etc)
- 4 Blog styles for homepages to show the latest posts:
- Infinite Scroll Options: All blog styles can use Normal pagination / Infinite Scroll / Infinite Scroll with Load More Button
Review Theme Options:
- Three different review styles: Stars, Percent or points
- Option to include a score subtitle to appear in the thumbnails throughout the site
- Option to include up to three pros and cons with custom titles
- Option to turn on/off user ratings (user reviews). When a user leaves a rating, a cookie is left on the visitors computer with the relevant post ID, to minimize chance of visitors voting multiple times on the same post.
Post Features
- Full-Width Post Option
- Post Format: Video (Able to embed YouTube / Vimeo / Kickstarter / Viddler videos) and appearing in a unique overlay of the featured image
- Fully integrated review / rating system
- Post Format: Audio (Able to embed Soundcloud) and appearing in a unique overlay of the featured image
- Upload custom background or background slideshow
- Change the featured Image style (four different styles) or turn off completely
- Set the background to any color
- Set background image to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat
- Multiple shortcodes available for articles: Dropcaps, buttons, highlight text, toggle (Faqs), alert boxes, columns, video gallery, responsive video, divider and tabs.
WooCommerce Integration
Since v1.4, Valenti is 100% compatible with WooCommerce and allows it to integrate seamlessly with the theme. Some highlights:- Full re-design and integration of WooCommerce to match the look and feel of the theme
- WooCommerce options tab added to theme options with several options, including:
- WooCommerce global color (similar to category global color)
- left sidebar/right sidebar/no sidebar (full-width WooCommerce)
- Background image for WooCommerce pages
- Background color for WooCommerce pages
- Unique sidebar for WooCommerce in Appearance -> Widgets
BuddyPress Integration
Not only is Valenti completely compatible with BuddyPress, it expands/improves/restyles BuddyPress, to provide a deep fully-integrated experience. Some highlights:- Full re-design and integration of BuddyPress to match the look and feel of the theme
- Login With Ajax modals/widgets integrate seamlessly with BuddyPress, and if BuddyPress is installed, Login With Ajax will show logged in users multiple of their own quicklinks (profile, activity, memberships, messages, subscription, topics started, log out) so users will never need to use or see the WordPress backend.
- BuddyPress tab added to theme options with several options, including:
- BuddyPress global color (similar to category global color)
- left sidebar/right sidebar/no sidebar (full-width BuddyPress)
- Background image for BuddyPress pages
- Background color for BuddyPress pages
- Unique sidebar for BuddyPress in Appearance -> Widgets
bbPress Integration
Not only is Valenti completely compatible with bbPress, it expands/improves/restyles bbPress, to provide a deep fully-integrated experience. Some highlights:- Full re-design and integration of bbPress to match the look and feel of the theme
- Login With Ajax modals/widgets integrate seamlessly with bbPress, and if bbPress is installed, Login With Ajax will show logged in users multiple of their own quicklinks (edit profile, logout, subscriptions, favorites, replies, topics started) so users will never need to use or see the WordPress backend.
- bbPress tab added to theme options with several options, including:
- bbPress global color (similar to category global color)
- left sidebar/right sidebar/no sidebar (full-width forums)
- Background image for bbPress pages
- Background color for bbPress pages
- Change the background color of the sticky posts
- Unique sidebar for bbPress in Appearance -> Widgets
- 2 new Valenti widgets for bbPress
Category Features
- Show posts in different styles (choice of 4 blog styles)
- Show a Grid Module (4, 5 or 6 articles), a big slider or a normal sized slider above the latest posts
- Offset Option for posts lists to not have duplicate posts appear on the same page (grid shows posts #1-#5 and the posts list below shows from post #6 and onwards).
- Infinite Scroll Options: All blog styles can use Normal pagination / Infinite Scroll / Infinite Scroll with Load More Button
- Feature specific posts exclusively in the category grid/sliders
- Upload custom backgrounds
- Set the background to any color
- Set background to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat
- Set general color for category using a color picker (for menu hovers, review boxes, etc)
- Option to use a unique sidebar
Page Features
- Custom Sidebar
- Featured image can be set to output as Parallax / Full-background / Full-Width / Standard / Full-background slideshow
- Upload custom background
- Upload multiple custom backgrounds for background slideshow
- Set the background to any color
- Set background image to full-width stretch, repeat or no-repeat
- Set general color for page using a color picker (for menu hovers, borders, etc)
Page Templates Included
- Valenti Social Media Icons Widget
- Valenti Top Reviews Widget (Can be set to show top X reviews from a category/global + Filter (All time/Last Month/Last 7 days/Only 2011/Only 2012/Only 2013)
- Valenti Latest Posts With Thumbnails (Big/Small image style) Widget
- Valenti Facebook Like Box Widget
- Valenti 125px x 125px ads Widget
- Valenti Multi-Widget (Show multiple widgets in one)
- Valenti Google+ Follow Badge Widget
- Valenti Latest Posts Slider Widget
- Valenti Recent Comments With Avatar Widget
- Valenti Popular Posts
- Valenti Retina Image Widget
Child Theme Compatible
- Valenti is 100% child-theme compatible and comes with a child-theme already setup for immediate use and customizations.
General Features
- Clean, ultra modern and dynamic design which is perfect for newspaper, reviews and modern websites
- Optional separate logo to appear in main navigation bar
- Option to turn on/off hover zoom effects on sliders/grids
- Option to turn off By Line completely, or just disable specific parts of the By Line (Author, Date, Category, Comments)
- Takeover Background Ads (clickable backgrounds) system With 2 Templates included (2x .psd + 2 .png)
- Retina Ready (HD)
- Valenti is WPML-Ready, RTL-Ready and comes with .mo/.po files to easily translate into any language. Spanish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Slovak and Norwegian are already translated & included.
- Boxed Or Full-Width site Option
- Unique mega menu system
- Login With Ajax Integrated
- Unique homepage drag and drop builder
- Integrated to top button with option to turn on/off
- Access to the 600+ fonts from + drop-down menus with recommended fonts (hand-picked for their quality).
- Option to turn off About The Author box in admin theme options
- Option to turn off Lightbox in admin theme options
- Option to turn off Next/Previous box in admin theme options
- Option to turn off By Line in admin theme options (By x on 01/01/2013 in Category This appears in posts/modules/blog styles).
- Three custom menu locations (Main, secondary and footer)
- Secondary menu navigation has drop down capabilities
- Custom Sidebars for category and pages
- Extensive documentation with images and videos. Can also be seen online.
- Integrated related posts with images that can be turned on/off from within the theme options
- Sample Dummy Content XML file included (Note: does not include images from the demo, all images are replaced with a dummy placeholder image)
- Schema Review Rich Snippet Microdata
- Schema Author Rich Snippet Microdata
- Schema Breadcrumbs Rich Snippet Microdata
- Fully Responsive design
- Simple and powerful Theme Options framework built-in
- Very sleek Lightbox integrated
- Custom Logo Upload
- Custom Favicon Upload
- Custom footer copyright
- Custom CSS section (Best practice to avoid losing CSS changes on theme updates)
- In-built pagination
- Indented threaded comments
- Dynamic breaking news in secondaru menu bar which pauses on mouse hover (Can be turned on/off from the theme options and filtered to show specific categories)
- SEO-Ready Everything is set as it should be. For example: Only one H1 per page and wrapped around the post title (NOT the logo which is terrible SEO), images pull the alt text data, relevant Meta schema data, etc
- Translation Ready with .mo/.po files included (French, Dutch & Spanish already translated and included)
- Designed with valid HTML5 + CCS3 code
- Extensively tested with ALL major browsers and versions, including IE8
- Multiple shortcodes included integrated straight into the TinyMCE (no more having to remember complicated code)
- Option of 468×60 Banner, 728×90 Banner or no banner at all next to logo
For all theme customizations (i.e. add or change the themes code to make it do something it doesnt do or add specific functionality) you will need to hire a developer to help you out. It is recommended to look for one on as that site is run by the same people who run Themeforest.
Suggestions for future updates?
If you have a suggestion that you think would improve the theme, please leave a comment with the details and it will be considered.
Images Used In Demo
All the images used on the demo website are only for demonstration and licenses to use them were purchased on and the copyrights belong to the creators of the images. None of these images are included with the theme nor are they available to import with the dummy XML file.
I would like to thank the creators of the following excellent plugins that Valenti makes use of:
And the lovely YouTube video embedded in the demo video post is called Paper Shortfilm and it was Directed by : Mathieu AUBRY with Music by: Jérémy FLANDRIN with DIRTYSPLEEN. Great video! (url:
Update History
20 August 2015 Valenti v5.0.2
- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Typography to change body font size for mobile- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Typography to change body font size for desktop- ADDED: Option in Global Featured Image Style Override: Uncropped option.- BUGFIX: Standard featured image style video post play button location- BUGFIX: When using the paginated block after Section A or C, the paginated pages would have no white space on the left- BUGFIX: Blog style not loading styling on latest posts style homepage- BUGFIX: Pages custom sidebar not appearing in Appearance > Widgets- BUGFIX: WooCommerce no sidebar layout issue
05 August 2015 Valenti v5.0.1
- BUGFIX: Hidden secondary menu items sub menus- BUGFIX: If global featured image style is set, some post titles were using wrong CSS- BUGFIX: Module G small articles CSS- BUGFIX: Underlines option for grid/slider titles wasn't applying underline- BUGFIX: Login with ajax widget in sidebar colors
04 August 2015 Valenti v5.0
- NEW: Featured Image Style: Uncropped- NEW: Blog Style E- NEW: Blog Style F (A+D combo)- NEW: Theme Options -> Navigation Menu: Sticky option for mobile menu - NEW: Theme Options -> Navigation Menu: Mobile Menu Skin (Light/Dark)- NEW: Theme Options -> Navigation Menu: Logo inside mobile menu - NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Extras: Sticky Sidebars- NEW: Option for categories: Background image behind title bar- NEW: Option for categories: Light/dark title option (Useful if you set a dark/light image background to the title to control the contrast)- NEW: Option for featured image styles: Title Location/Style.- NEW: Options for sticky menu: "Show when scrolling up and down / Only show when scrolling up / Off" - NEW: Optional section for Valenti pagebuilder: Module with Latest Global Posts + Pagination that can be inserted after any of the other sections.- NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Navigation Menus: Number of posts to show in Breaking News ticker.- NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Navigation Menus: Breaking News Ticker Source of posts can now be "latest/trending last 24 hours/trending last week". Note: Trending options require JetPack plugin to be installed and the JetPack Stats module enabled.- NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Extras: Smooth Scroll. Enable Smooth Scrolling (does not load on OS X, as it already has smooth scrolling).- NEW: Two new options for footer layout: One column Footer and Two column footer- NEW: Option in Valenti Posts Options for sidebar selection: "Default/Unique sidebar for post/Choose existing sidebar" option on a post-per-post basis.- NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Extras: To load/not load YouTube API (the API is what allows for videos to autoplay on the click of the play button).- NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Extras: Show pages in search results.- NEW: Tab in Theme Options -> Grids & Sliders - NEW: Options in Theme Options -> Grids & Sliders: New Controls for sliders. You can set the speed of the transitions, whether to autoplay sliders and how many seconds between each autoplay slide.)- NEW: Options in Theme Options -> Grids & Sliders: Style options to choose between different styles for grids/sliders- NEW: Tab in Theme Options -> Blog Styles- NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Blog Styles. To "show read more link after excerpt" option for excerpts.- NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Blog Styles. What text for the "read more" link after excerpt- NEW: Option in Theme Options -> Typography: Explicit option to use your own font (so no broken attempts at loading Google Font)- IMPROVED: Performance (Scrolling, animations, code and a lot more!)- IMPROVED: Parallax performance by over 40%!- IMPROVED: Design details- IMPROVED: Video Post Type: YouTube Videos using the "opens in full-screen lightbox" option will now autoplay and pause when showing/hiding the lightbox- IMPROVED: Video Post Type: Added X Button next to embed to help visitors know how to hide video again- IMPROVED: Video Post Type: Video embeds that appear after clicking play on the "Embed limited by featured image size" option is now much bigger - IMPROVED: Removed the "Dropcap" shortcode button from toolbar. The shortcode will still work, but to add dropcap to post first letter, you now go to the new "Layouts" tab inside each post's post options and enable the Dropcap option there. This is to make it smoother for you if you ever decide to change themes in the future.- IMPROVED: CSS spring cleaning- IMPROVED: CSS files reduced in size by 30%!- IMPROVED: Mobile menu animation and design- IMPROVED: Loading icon and animation- IMPROVED: To top button in/out animation- IMPROVED: JS spring cleaning- IMPROVED: Sticky menu (no jolting)- IMPROVED: Merged (or removed where possible) extra Javascript files- IMPROVED: Valenti Post Options Metabox- IMPROVED: Theme Options Panel Visuals and layout- IMPROVED: Plugin update process- UPDATED: Envato Toolkit plugin (1.7.3)- UPDATED: Cubell Themes Functionality (5.0)- BUGFIX: RTL CSS- BUGFIX: Vote/Votes now outputs the correct word in Slavic languages (All translation files updated)
28 April 2015 Valenti v4.0.3
- IMPROVED: Mobile devices width now works much nicer, including on iPhone 6 Plus- BUGFIX: Zoom on/off option was not affecting "random" thumbnail in megamenu- BUGFIX: Post Background issue- UPDATED: Core framework and TGM for recently discovered XSS vulnerability:
20 April 2015 Valenti v4.0.2
- BUGFIX: Search results on WooCommerce 2.3- BUGFIX: New AdSense Ads issue
2 April 2015 Valenti v4.0.1
- BUGFIX: Search/Archives now have the option in Theme Options -> Extras to select blog style, but unless you select one, there is no fallback.
30 March 2015 Valenti v4.0
- UPDATED: Mobile detection- UPDATED: WooCommerce Compatibility to 2.3.x (Note: To get quantity arrows again, you must install the official WooCommerce extension for it: )- UPDATED: Core framework (Will look almost the same, but works much better behind the scenes)- UPDATED: Facebook Like Button API code in Valenti Sharing Block- UPDATED: Font-Awesome to 4.3.0- ADDED: New ad position option in Theme Options -> Posts (Appears at the end of posts content area)- ADDED: New option for video post type: Choose between "Limit Video embed by featured image size / Open in full-screen lightbox" - ADDED: Ajax post megamenu feature. Applies to the Featured/random + recent posts megamenu that also have a submenu. These will now use ajax to change the "recent posts" part of the megamenu when you hover over different submenus- ADDED: Option to turn ajax submenus in post megamenu on/off- ADDED: New half width (50%) custom code module in Section B of pagebuilder- ADDED: New translation files: Turkish (Thanks to aykutpehlivanoglu)- ADDED: Options to turn on/off individual social networks in the Valenti Social Sharing Block- ADDED: Facebook Share Button option to Valenti Social Sharing Block- ADDED: New option to use view count stats from theme (Basic single counter per post) or use the stats from JetPack -> Stats module (Recommended, as it's a powerful, easy to use and free stats system).- IMPROVED: Performance- IMPROVED: Valenti Breadcrumbs now appears properly on pages with parent pages- IMPROVED: Implemented New WordPress 4.1 Homepage Title Tag (with fallback for older versions)- IMPROVED: Retina detection script- IMPROVED: Increased Related Post Max limit to 12 posts- IMPROVED: Explanation of how the offset works- CHANGED: Retina logo now needs to uploaded/set explicitly in Theme Options - for better user control- BUGFIX: Breadcrumbs show tags properly on tags page- BUGFIX: Direct Vimeo URL in post content area wasn't becoming responsive automatically- BUGFIX: Fixed validator error: Open element in menu items with no dropdown- BUGFIX: Fix of "missing update" rich snippet line- BUGFIX: Popular posts widget now accurately shows the most popular "7 days/month/all time" if using the new Jetpack Stats option- BUGFIX: Search modal width in medium size screen- BUGFIX: On mobile devices, a post with parallax featured image + post background image set would not show parallax image on mobile- BUGFIX: "Slider of 4 posts" on latest posts style homepage offset option bug- BUGFIX: RTL sites: User rating was reversed- BUGFIX: Alignment of homepage sidebar with rest of content- BUGFIX: WooCommerce cart layout issue on very small screens- BUGFIX: WooCommerce latest posts widget styling in latest version- BUGFIX: Popular Posts Widget comments time filter- BUGFIX: Missing translation in bbPress recent topic widget- BUGFIX: Users who use child-theme and added their won placeholder images for posts without featured images - they weren't loading on megamenu thumbnails properly- BUGFIX: Translation missing in the login with ajax modals- BUGFIX: Tags individual pagination option (numbered/infinite scroll/infinite scroll with load more button)- BUGFIX: Star reviews under 1 star overall score rich snippet data- BUGFIX: Zoom CSS effect bug in Safari- BUGFIX: RTL review vote
09 October 2014 Valenti v 3.2
- ADDED: New option for Valenti Google+ Page Widget to select between light/dark styles- ADDED: New options for tags: Tags can now be controlled/manipulated like categories currently are: Select a grid/slider to show above posts, change blog style, infinite scroll, advertising in tag pages, background image/color, etc.- ADDED: New option for Recommended fonts: "Do not load Google Font", for users who want to load their own fonts (by adding custom font loading script in Custom Head option and entering the font-family name in the overrides in Theme Options -> Typography)- UPDATED: WooCommerce files for latest WooCommerce version- UPDATED: Deprecated WordPress function mentions (deprecated in WordPress 4.0)- IMPROVED: Breadcrumbs now shows up to 4 levels of category/sub-category- IMPROVED: Breadcrumbs now works on WooCommerce products/categories- IMPROVED: Numbered pagination now shows the last page at the end of the pagination and dots in between for a better user experience- IMPROVED: Added Valenti Video option for custom post types- IMPROVED: Added Valenti Audio option for custom post types- IMPROVED: Added Valenti Gallery option for custom post types- BUGFIX: Turn off grid underline option wasn't applying to the new Grid of 3 module- BUGFIX: Translations missing for login modals- BUGFIX: Padding issue on pagebuilder sidebars- BUGFIX: Top half-width review boxes rich snippet "missing entry-title" error- BUGFIX: Parallax featured image styles change opacity on browser resize- BUGFIX: Slideshow on posts with the featured image style set to "off" - BUGFIX: Author email's not properly santized for meet the team templates- BUGFIX: Footer widget titles border overlap on very long titles + small screens- BUGFIX: View counter not showing in all modules- BUGFIX: Breadcrumbs in custom post types- BUGFIX: On RTL sites, the visitor rating in review boxes was backwards- BUGFIX: Slavic languages translation "comments" variations- BUGFIX: Post with no sidebar (full-width) and stars review box was showing slightly wrong stars- BUGFIX: Sub-category background color now shows on posts- BUGFIX: Post in child category showed parent category color in review boxes in blog style- BUGFIX: Review Schema updated attribute missing- NOTE: BuddyPress 2.1 seemed to have an incompatibility with the theme, but after many, many wasted hours looking into it, it turned out to be a BuddyPress issue, which was fixed in the BuddyPress 2.1.1 update
04 August 2014 Valenti v 3.1
- ADDED: New module for Valenti pagebuilder - Grid of 3 for Sections B/D- ADDED: New module for Valenti pagebuilder - Module G for Sections B/D- ADDED: New option for "by line" - Post view count with eye icon- ADDED: New option to adjust main navigation menu items center point, for very wide/narrow logos in navigation menu- ADDED: New option for Valenti Popular Posts Widget - Sort by "comment number / view count" - ADDED: New option to add "nofollow rel" to social icons links in Valenti Social Medio Icons widget- ADDED: New options to use Slider A full width (4 squares slider) on blog style homepage (in theme options -> Homepage) or category page (category settings)- BUGFIX: Valenti Pagebuilder By Posts Filter - Posts with special characters (apostrophes, quotes, etc) weren't outputting in the module- BUGFIX: Navigation menu logo wasn't loading retina version (if it exists) on retina screens- BUGFIX: If post set to sub-category and only parent category had sidebar, post was showing global sidebar- BUGFIX: Added featured image style options for pages using the "full-width" page template- BUGFIX: Subcategory now shows background color set in parent's category if one is set, and so do the posts inside the subcategory, unless the post/subcategory has their own colors set.- BUGFIX: 1020px sizes homepage sidebar whitespace- BUGFIX: Third level sub-category not showing custom parent category sidebar- BUGFIX: Full-width page $contentwidth issue- BUGFIX: Divider shortcode in mobile line issue- BUGFIX: Pagination inside pages- BUGFIX: Mobile Menu issue on Windows Phones- BUGFIX: Missing alt tag in an image- BUGFIX: Homepage built with Valenti pagebuilder content area (normal post content) now executes shortcodes- BUGFIX: Comments in pages option (full-width template)- BUGFIX: A handful of other minor bugs- IMPROVED: Video/Audio post type embed box can now execute shortcodes- IMPROVED: Megamenu Recent posts block does not show the same post that is currently "featured" or "random" on the left (no more duplicates)- IMPROVED: Mobile menu can now have three levels- IMPROVED: Cubell Themes Functionality Updated- IMPROVED: General code cleanup
20 May 2014 Valenti v 3.0.2
- QUICKFIX: Updates the Cubell Themes Functionality plugin to v3.0.2 to remove some options that shouldn't be visible
16 May 2014 Valenti v 3.0.1
- QUICKFIX: Users who have servers with old PHP versions were seeing a function error, this has been adjusted and fixed
15 May 2014 Valenti v 3.0
- ADDED: New featured image style options for Pages: Parallax / Full-Background / Slideshow Full-Background (set to full-background and add multiple images to the "background Image" option) - ADDED: New option to specify what related posts to show (Only related by tags / Only related by categories / Related by tags and if 0 posts found, then show related by categories)- ADDED: New option to specify order of related posts: Random / Date (Latest published)- ADDED: New options to disable specific parts of the by line: "Author / Date / Category / Comments" each one can be turned on/off- ADDED: New option to have logo in main navigation menu- ADDED: New option for navigation menu logo: Visible "always / only when user scrolls down" (Demo is now using the "only when user scrolls down" option- ADDED: New Filter for plugins/developers to hook onto the Breadcrumbs ( apply_filters( 'cb_breadcrumbs_output', '' ); )- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Navigation Menus to change the "Breaking" word to anything you wish- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Global Styling to turn off CSS zoom effect on hover of Grid/Slider images- ADDED: Users who use 1020px max-width for the site can also turn responsive mode off- ADDED: New background advertising template files for 1020px width site- ADDED: Sliders in Category pages can now use the offset option. Homepages using the "latest style" (Settings -> Reading) and with a slider above the latest posts list can also use the offset option- ADDED: Gallery Post Format: Navigation carousel now has navigation arrows for easier control- ADDED: New Review Options: Review Type ( Editor Review + User Ratings / Editor Review Only / User Ratings Only )- ADDED: New Review Options: Score Subtitle inside post override per post (If left blank, will continue showing "Overall Score")- ADDED: Latest Posts style homepages (Settings -> Reading) now have the same option as categories do to add an advertising block above the posts list (appears under grid/slider if enabled)- ADDED: Translation files for Norwegian (Thanks to Sviddgummi)- ADDED: Translation files for Slovak (Thanks to PartymakerSK)- ADDED: Translation files for Polish (Thanks to Schriker)- ADDED: Translation files for Hungarian (Thanks to Barocsi)- IMPROVED: Big improvements in theme Framework. Including performance, better colorpicker, the custom CSS box now uses CSS editor, many options are now only visible if X option is enabled (example: clickable background ad takeover options) for better user experience, etc- IMPROVED: Users who use the Child-theme can now overwrite the default "no featured image" placeholder images (the grey camera icon) very easily by adding images with the same names into the child-theme-folder/library/images/- IMPROVED: Secondary navigation menu (opposite breaking news block) items can now have multiple sub-menu levels- IMPROVED: Post Format Option Metabox only appears if relevant Format is selected and only shows relevant box- BUGFIX: Posts that use "Standard" or "Full-width" featured image styles can now have an image slideshow in the site background (simply add images to the "Background Image" option when editing a post)- BUGFIX: Facebook like button slightly misaligned with other buttons- BUGFIX: Valenti Custom Homepage Page: When adding manual content to the page content area when using pagebuilder template page, margin of content was broken- BUGFIX: Parallax featured image style + Audio/Video button: Background fades to dark on click- BUGFIX: Gallery Post Format: Slider loading bug- BUGFIX: Gallery Post Format: Captions are now always visible- BUGFIX: Unresponsive mode had a couple of elements that were still behaving responsively- BUGFIX: In Safari browser: Posts with bot Parallax featured image style + background image below now work smoothly- BUGFIX: Typo in Spanish translation- BUGFIX: Multiple tabs shortcode on same page now work- BUGFIX: Widgets not showing custom post types- BUGFIX: Reviews top position missing entry-title rich snippet error- BUGFIX: Mobile screens white space on the right after opening menu in iPhone 4/5/5s- BUGFIX: Removed "Background Header Color" option from Theme Options panel, as now there is a new option called "Background Header Color/Image".- UPDATED: Font-awesome 4.1.0 is now used (71 new icons: )- UPDATED: Cubell Themed Functionality to 3.0- UPDATED: Envato WordPress Toolkit to latest version, which fixes "Conflict with the WP-Compatibility Installer plugin." - UPDATED: Documentation to v3.0
02 April 2014 Valenti v 2.5.1
- BUGFIX: Box-shadow CSS issue in Firefox creating a 1px white line on the site- BUGFIX: Responsive Youtube videos
01 April 2014 Valenti v 2.5
- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> General: Set Max Width of site (can be either the default 1200px, or 1020px wide), this is an option for users who like their sites to be more narrow.- ADDED: Option for pages: Turn on/off comments- ADDED: New option in Theme Options -> Global Styling: Option to add background image to header block- ADDED: Translation files for Italian (Thanks to Dinosauro)- ADDED: Translation files for German (Thanks to Klappspaten
)- UPDATED: FontAwesome to 4.0.3 (11 new icons and no more problems with NextGen Gallery plugin)- UPDATED: Documentation- BUGFIX: Missing 'entry-title' schema data for review boxes using the "top position" - BUGFIX: Tabs shortcode unordered lists bug- BUGFIX: Secondary menu not appearing on homepage when latest post had specific setup- BUGFIX: Pingbacks and trackbacks will now appear in comments list- BUGFIX: Theme is now fully compatible with Woothemes' Sensei plugin- BUGFIX: MotoX Phone issue with youtube embeds fixed once and for all- BUGFIX: Blog Style C loading sticky posts (if they exist on site) only bug- BUGFIX: Pagebuilder output markup issue in Section A- BUGFIX: Added nofollow rel to background takeover ad link- BUGFIX: Megamenu level 4 reveal- BUGFIX: Author page with Co-Author plus showing wrong author some times- BUGFIX: Bulk edit posts bug- BUGFIX: Background Takeover Clickable Ad System: Not working properly on sites set to be "full-width" - IMPROVED: Slight theme performance and general code
10 March 2014 Valenti v 2.4
- IMPORTANT BUGFIX: Chrome browser bug fix in v2.3 fixed the problem for most setups, but a small percentage of users still experience the problem, this update improves the temporary fix and should fix it for everyone now- ADDED: WooCommerce new override option: After selecting between "Left sidebar / Right sidebar / No Sidebar", there is a new option to override the setting "Off / No sidebar on product pages / No sidebar on shop page" - IMPROVED: Dailymotion embeds are now automatically responsive- IMPROVED: Header Ad only appears on content pages now (homepage, category, post, pages, tags & archives) to help you comply with AdSense rules, as ads are not allowed on 404 pages.- UPDATED: Cubell Themes Functionality plugin to v2.4- BUGFIX: Co-Author Plus integration bug in the megamenu (was showing same author name for multiple posts)- BUGFIX: Standard dropdown menus will now use the "fade in" effect instead of "slide down", as slide down was causing bugs in Safari browser- BUGFIX: WooCommerce navigation spacing issue- BUGFIX: WooCommerce 2.1 added a new customer review link above the price, this link now uses the color set in the WooCommerce Global Color setting in the theme options- BUGFIX: WooCommerce: When using "no sidebar" option, shop page will now show 4 products per row and neatly aligned. If sidebar is on, shop page will show 3 products per row- BUGFIX: Small typo in Dutch translation file- BUGFIX: Several other minor bugs and clean up
05 March 2014 Valenti v 2.3
- IMPORTANT BUGFIX: Chrome bug means many users do not see any font/text, this update has some very light code to temporary fix it permanently until Chrome is updated/fixed again. - BUGFIX: General code problems- BUGFIX: Mobile CSS Ad Bug- BUGFIX: Columns 100% width in small devices (mobile)- BUGFIX: Translation files missing "x Responses" translation.
26 February 2014 Valenti v 2.2
- IMPROVED: Pagebuilder 2.0: Post Filters has been improved again. Posts with commas were not working well, therefore, the ajax search post field has been developed much more and now will work fine with posts with commas. The user experience has also been improved for this filter.
25 February 2014 Valenti v 2.1
- IMPROVED: Pagebuilder 2.0: Post Filters has been re-written again to work completely differently, as listing all the tags/posts as checkboxes was affecting the some sites with lots of them. Now you start typing into an input, and using ajax that loads a list of matches on-demand will appear which you can click to add to module. Easy to use and should work really well for everyone, regardless of site size- IMPROVED: Pagebuilder 2.0: By Specific Posts filters will also be able to find all custom post types published- ADDED: "Valenti Blogstyle homepage feature" option to posts was re-added to feature specific posts on a blogstyle grid or slider on the homepage. For homepages using the pagebuilder, each module can now show specific posts using the ajax search + click to add system.- ADDED: WooCommerce option: Comments can now be turned on to appear at the end of product pages, can be set to "Off/On/On with Disqus" - BUGFIX: Category Pages: Shortcodes now work in Category Ad block.- BUGFIX: Archive Page: Minor error message with some posts- BUGFIX: RTL Sites Stylesheet: Slider arrows reversed
22 February 2014 Valenti v 2.0.1
- QUICK BUGFIX: Pagination missing when infinite scroll set to off
21 February 2014 Valenti v 2.0
- IMPROVED: Valenti Drag & Drop Pagebuilder: All modules now have options to show posts from "Category/Tags/By Specific Posts" (loads checkboxes with existing category/tags/posts, no need to enter code anywhere!). - IMPROVED: Valenti Drag & Drop Pagebuilder: All modules now have options to offset the posts (using a numeric slider).- IMPROVED: Valenti Drag & Drop Pagebuilder: All modules now have options to show posts by "Latest/Oldest/Random".- ADDED: Infinite Scroll options (Off/Infinite Scroll/Infinite Scroll with Load Button) for all blog styles- ADDED: Valenti Drag & Drop Pagebuilder: 2 New Modules (Module E and Module F In Sections B & D)- ADDED: 3 Featured Image Styles for Pages (Standard, full-width or off)- ADDED: Option in Theme Options -> General to set logo location (left or centered)- ADDED: Compatibility with co-author plus plugin - the "by line" of posts will show the co-authors (no need to add/edit any code)- ADDED: New shortcode: Author Box (Load any author box in the post content area with just the author id)- ADDED: Light/dark style option for blog styles- ADDED: Rich snippet markup to breadcrumbs- ADDED: Option to load Greek charset in Google Fonts that have Greek characters.- ADDED: Dutch translation files - Thanks to Monique- UPDATED: WooCommerce template files - UPDATED: Documentation to v2.0- IMPROVED: Valenti Tabs shortcode can now have unlimited number of tabs- IMPROVED: Mobile performance- IMPROVED: Standard dropdown menu with 4 levels- BUGFIX: Category pages on "boxed" sites would not show box if the latest post in that category was set to Parallax featured image style.- BUGFIX: When global background set with "repeat" option, it will be repeat everywhere the global background is shown (including on category pages and on posts)- BUGFIX: When responsive mode is set to off (so mobiles load full-site), the site was loading zoomed in and needed a pinch to see the full-site- BUGFIX: WPML bug that didn't translate modules in Section A, B or C of a homepage built with the Valenti pagebuilder- BUGFIX: Category pages with Custom Post Types pagination wasn't counting the number of pages properly- BUGFIX: Global featured image override + Single Post override extra shadow lines on parallax style- BUGFIX: Missing mobile menu "hamburger" icon when breaking news is turned off and there is no secondary menu set- BUGFIX: Valenti Facebook Like Box Widget wasn't loading correct locale (would appear in English some times, even if the site is in a different language)- BUGFIX: Meet the team template: Position override number 5 wasn't working- BUGFIX: Typo's in the Theme Options panel- BUGFIX: WooCommerce titles stretching too far when using the "full-width" site option
28 January 2014 Valenti v 1.5.0
- ADDED: Offset option for category pages and blog style homepages, so if you use a grid above a category, the posts below will now offset by the number of posts in the grid. No more duplicates!- ADDED: Compatibility with custom post types straight out of the box. Even though Valenti doesn't use custom post types, now if you do use one, your custom posts will also have the theme meta boxes (reviews, color/background options, featured image styles, etc). They will also now appear automatically throughout the site in the latest posts (they must use the category taxonomy for this)- ADDED: Option to use small slider (1 post at a time slider that has a sidebar) to feature posts on homepages that use the "latest posts" style (blog style homepage).- ADDED: New Widget: Valenti Popular Posts Widget- ADDED: Audio Post is now fully compatible with MixCloud embeds- IMPROVED: Performance of parallax featured image style effect (some older systems struggling to keep the effect smooth).- IMPROVED: Documentation has been updated to include sections about Custom Post Types, BbPRess, BuddyPress, WooCommerce, importing the XML dummy data and various other minor fixes throughout the documentation.- IMPROVED: Native WordPress gallery styling- IMPROVED: Mobile Menu bar will now show Search/Login icons on the bar (if they are enabled in the Theme Options) and when touched will show the correct search/login/register modal overlays.- IMPROVED: If site is set to only accept comments from users who are logged in, the link to "sign in" will open up the login modal instead of redirecting to the wp-admin link.- IMPROVED: Tabs Shortcode code re-written to allow for shortcodes within shortcodes (Note: Old tab shortcode still works, but whenever you use the "Insert Tabs" button, the new code will be used)- IMPROVED: Top Review Widget has new filters (Sort by: Top scores, latest reviews or Lowest Scores)- IMPROVED: Video-embed shortcode button removed. Valenti automatically turns any youtube/vimeo video url into a responsive video, simply paste the url into your post content and it will be responsive. Simple, right?- IMPROVED: Cubell Themes Functionality plugin has been updated to v1.6 (includes numerous improvements/fixes)- BUGFIX: Custom Sidebars: Sub-categories with no custom sidebar now show parent category sidebar (if the parent has a custom sidebar set) otherwise it shows the global sidebar- BUGFIX: Review boxes set to "bottom" location on paginated posts will now only appear on the last page of the post (the top location will appear on the first page of the post).- BUGFIX: Integrated lightbox now remains in a fixed position when in use- BUGFIX: Social Icon top 2 pixels were hidden if you only used a single option- BUGFIX: If post has tags sets, and those tags don't have any other posts attached, related posts will now - BUGFIX: To Top button not being disabled when setting the "To Top Button" option in the Theme Options to "off" - BUGFIX: NextGen Gallery loads extra CSS code that was overriding the Valenti Theme Options panel style and making it not render properly, this has been fixed.- BUGFIX: WooCommerce: Sale sticker is now positioned properly- BUGFIX: BuddyPress Register page detects full-width setting + breadcrumb now says "register" - BUGFIX: BbPress edit profile page wasn't showing avatar upload option being added by "Simple Local Avatars" plugin.- BUGFIX: BbPress CSS stylesheet widgets on anonymous comments- BUGFIX: RTL Version: Sliders, tipper on main menu icons, gallery post, logged in avatar in navigation menu, boxed shadows location, arrows in next/previous block - all now work and look as expected
30 December 2013 Valenti v 1.4.1
-QUICKFIX: Avatar size in navigation menu
28 December 2013 Valenti v 1.4.0
- ADDED: Full Integration of WooCommerce - MUCH more than just theme compatibility with it. Examples: set a unique WooCommerce sidebar left/right or none (full-width WooCommerce), set a global WooCommerce color (much like the category colors), set a background image/color exclusively on WooCommerce, all WooCommerce widgets re-styled and more!- ADDED: Option to turn responsive mode on/off (Theme Options -> General)- ADDED: When user is logged in, the "login/register" icon in the navigation menu will now show the user avatar and on hover shows username in tooltip.- ADDED: New option to category pages (when editing/adding a category) - You can now insert an ad above the category post listing- ADDED: BuddyPress Profile link to Login With Ajax modals when BuddyPress is installed- BUGFIX: Some head code being loaded more than once- BUGFIX: Added arrows to gallery images in a gallery post- BUGFIX: YouTube API bug/changes caused some issues with video posts on some sites, the code that loads the YouTube API has been re-written completely and should load as expected from now on- BUGFIX: Facebook share button loads correct site locale now when visitors like a post- BUGFIX: WooCommerce unique sidebar issue- BUGFIX: Slideshow Stutter Bug- BUGFIX: Several minor bugs- BUGFIX: Theme performance issue caused by bugs- IMPROVED: Styling of several widgets- IMPROVED: Styling details throughout the theme- BUGFIX: Various other small fixes/adjustments suggest by users
3 December 2013 Valenti v 1.3.1
- BUGFIX: Login with Ajax bug with BuddyPress if certain BuddyPress components are disabled- BUGFIX: Dates from the comments now get the date format from WordPress Settings -> General
2 December 2013 Valenti v 1.3.0
- ADDED: Full Integration/redesign of BuddyPress - MUCH more than just theme compatibility with it. Examples: Full login with ajax integration (users never need to see the WordPress backend), set a unique BuddyPress sidebar left/right or none (full-width BuddyPress), set a global BuddyPress color (much like the category colors), set a background image/color exclusively on BuddyPress, and much more!- ADDED: WooCommerce compatibility (If installed, unique WooCommerce sidebar will be available and can be setup in Appearance -> Widgets to be used for WooCommerce pages)- ADDED: Option to enable the Extended Cyrillic charset for Google Fonts- IMPROVED: Video/Audio post code- BUGFIX: Post with Parallax featured image style + separate background image/color- BUGFIX: Option to remove the underlines problem- BUGFIX: Added missing translation for 404 page- BUGFIX: Dot in empty pagination- BUGFIX: Author Box when author only has Google+ - BUGFIX: Native WordPress gallery linked (show navigation arrows in lightbox)- BUGFIX: RTL slider arrows reversed- BUGFIX: Related Posts issue- BUGFIX: Author template line alignment- BUGFIX: Various other small fixes
14 November 2013 Valenti v 1.2.0
- ADDED: Full Integration/redesign of bbPress - MUCH more than just theme compatibility with it. Examples: Full login with ajax integration (users never need to see the WordPress backend), set a unique bbPress sidebar left/right or none (full-width forums), set a color for the forums (much like the category colors), set a background image/color in the forums, topic lists show big avatar with post count underneath, and much more!- ADDED: Two new widgets exclusively for bbPress- ADDED: Post Option - Option to individually override the global featured image style override- ADDED: Theme Options - Option to enable the Extended Latin charset (needed in some languages)- ADDED: Theme Options - Option to Valenti Social Share block style number 2- ADDED: Theme Options - Option to remove the underlines of the article titles in grids/sliders- IMPROVED: Valenti Top Reviews Widget now has a new option to show the top rated posts using the Reader Rating score- IMPROVED: YouTube Video Posts: Your videos will now automatically start when a user hits the "play icon" and will automatically pause when the user presses away from the video embed (hides it)- IMPROVED: Mobile Menu swipe sensitivity has been lowered and improved- IMPROVED: Modules/Blog Styles now use the manual user excerpts if they exist- IMPROVED: Documentation has been expanded in various parts and a new section called "Mobile Devices Menu" has been added- IMPROVED: Videos are automatically calculated to be as big as the featured image frame allows them to be (with a small margin around)- IMPROVED: Various minor design details improvements throughout the theme- BUGFIX: Individual Author Page layout would break if the author only had "Google+" set, and nothing else- BUGFIX: Typo in spanish translation file- BUGFIX: Authors listed in the Meet The Team and without an order setting set, wouldn't be in order, they are now alphabetical by default- BUGFIX: Fixed when both background image + background color are set, the background color would appear black. Now you can add images with transparency and use any background colors. Get creative!- BUGFIX: Many other minor bugs reported by users
31 October 2013 Valenti v 1.1.8
- BUGFIX: Review pros/cons bullet points if empty- BUGFIX: Small Mobile screens ad few pixels out- BUGFIX: Takeover Background Clickable AD Z-index bug- ADDED: Theme options: Option to override post featured image styles globally- ADDED: Theme options: Option to switch on/off mobile touch swipe to open menu (if off, mobile menu only shows if hamburger icon is tapped)- ADDED: Theme options: A slider option to select the number of related posts to show- ADDED: Theme options: Option to select a background color for the header using colorpicker (Behind logo + ad)- IMPROVED: Documentation has been expanded to address common questions- IMPROVED: Video Posts: When a user clicks or taps the play button, the video starts playing immediately, without the need for pressing play in the video embed again.- IMPROVED: Video Posts: Video size has been adjusted to be as big as possible within the featured image frame- IMPROVED: Search modal: When users click the search icon in the navigation menu, the cursor appears in the search box automatically to allow for quick typing, without the need to click in the box.- IMPROVED: Login modal: When users click the login icon in the navigation menu, the cursor appears in the login input box automatically to allow for quick typing, without the need to click in the box.- BUGFIX: The animation on the "Standard dropdown" menu option some times malfunctioned on iPads- BUGFIX: Video/Audio icons on certain post preview images was not clickable- BUGFIX: Missing "a:visited" code for user hyperlink color- BUGFIX: Submenu grandchild z-index issue- QUICKFIX: Numerous very minor niggles
26 October 2013 Valenti v 1.1.5
- QUICKFIX: A handful of quickfixes
25 October 2013 Valenti v 1.1
- ADDED: Multiple new sections to the documentation covering new features and general user questions (Google Analytics, Author avatars, recommended image sizes, etc)- ADDED: Background Takeover Ad system- ADDED: Post option to have sidebar left/right- ADDED: Option in Theme Options to change body font color (with colorpicker)- ADDED: Option in Theme Options to change Breaking news block post title color (with colorpicker)- ADDED: Option to show the byline only inside posts and no where else (Byline options are now: on/off/only under post titles).- UPDATED: 125x125 ads widget now has the option to have up to 10 ads- BUGFIX: Favicon bug (it wasn't showing on some sites)- BUGFIX: Valenti will automatically turn every YouTube/Vimeo embedded video into a responsive video, without the need for shortcodes.- BUGFIX: Disqus comment count not appearing bug (Valenti is fully compatible with Disqus Comments)- BUGFIX: Valenti Recent Posts widget category filter bug (wasn't filtering)- BUGFIX: Page background color option- BUGFIX: Page image background repeat + no-repeat- BUGFIX: Tiled galleries that open in lightbox will automatically have the "next/previous" arrows to navigate between photos- BUGFIX: Posts that are split into numerous pages (with pagination) style- BUGFIX: Numerous other minor bugs/niggles reported by users
19 October 2013 Valenti v 1.0
- Initial Release
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