EKHO is a unique, awesome, creative, fullscreen template. It will really rock your world!!
For this template i have worked quite some time, i tried to cover most of anybodys needs so i feel like i included many options, but in case you need something extra please leave me a feedback and your requirements and i hope i will include in a future update.
I tried adding a fresh, modern look, with some nice transitions which i hope you like them and feel the fit there. I also want to mention there are lots of premium stuff in here
I used modern technologies for this template and some of them are not available on older browsers. If youre into old browsers and care to look exactly, i really recommend you to have a look first and see if it;s ok with you. Please dont ask too much support for older browsers, we really must keep on going with the new technologies.
- Skeleton Framework used, simple to use and yet powerful
- Unique Fullscreen functionality
- Unlimited backgrounds and combinations! (image, slideshow, youtube, audio.)
- Functional NEWSLETTER MailChimp integration and adaptation
- Responsive Tablet design
- Audio Player on homepage
- Lots of diffrent sliders:
- Great Portfolio Layouts
- Lots of different ekho premium features and plugins
- Custom pages designs (take a look at this one: About us )
- Pricing tables
- Photo gallery
- FAQ Section
- 404 Page redesign
- Offline Page Design with Countdown
- Ajax-powered PHP Contact form
- Built-in Prettyphoto lightbox with autopopup & open from link functionality
- Dynamic shadows
- Sitemap design included
- Great social media support!
- 2 color schemes and 3 different navigation styles
- Great documentation
- & many others
Many thanks to
Sources & Credits:
Ekho - Unique Responsive WordPress Theme Ekho EKHO is a unique, awesome, creative, fullscreen template. It will really rock your world!!
Discussion on Ekho Unique Responsive Word Press Theme ...
Hello, the flags are there for demo purposes, it even says so when you hover on them, the theme should work fine with WPML for example, but the flags will need to be
Ekho, Premium WordPress FullScreen Portfolio Theme | WP ...
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EKHO is a unique, awesome, creative, fullscreen template. It will really rock your world!!
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EKHO is a unique, awesome, creative, fullscreen template. It will really rock your world!!
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Nulled Ekho Unique Responsive WordPress Theme Free Download. Created: 21 February 13: Last Update: 2 July 15: High Resolution: No: Widget Ready: Yes: Compatible