Event calender wordpress - WordPress

Event calender wordpress is an Event Management plugin for wordpress. This plugin will enable event management in your wordpress.

Adding event is very easy. Just add event on Event custom post & embed using this shortcode


You can embed event anywhere like page, post or in widgets by shortcode.

You are able to create event category & can embed event from specific category by using this code

[events category="Category Name"]

You can change event color theme too. Check this plugin documentation for more info.


  • Easy to add event via custom post.
  • Unlimited colors.
  • Supports shortcode or iframe on event.
  • Responsive for all devices.
  • All Major browser supported.
  • Translation Ready: Include MO and PO language files for you to easily translate it to language
  • Video documentation.
  • Minimalist (only 20KB).





v1.2 (October 5, 2014)  * Added custom metabox, dashicons, fixed enqueue css & JS, added tinyMCE button for generate shortcode.
v1.1 (November 28, 2013)  * Added Multilingual support.

The jQuery version of this plugin created by TahmidurRafid

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Event calender wordpress - WordPress Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin