Meganews is a Responsive Magazine WordPress Theme with Layout Builder.
Wordpress Theme Meganews is a Responsive Magazine Wordpress Theme with many features: easy to use Layout Builder (Visual Composer), on-click Theme Options, Resposnive design, unlimited layouts, unlimited colors, different post layouts, many useful shortcodes integrated into the Visual Composer and much more. The main feature is a strong Layout Builder (Visual Composer) which offers you to create wonderful, unique layouts with just clicks. Theme is also SEO friendly.Customers
Theme Features
- Ready for Wordpress 3.9, WordPress 3.8, WordPress 3.7, WordPress 3.6, WordPress 3.5, Wordpress 3.4, Wordpress 3.3
- Very Simple Theme Options Settings All Graphic/Just Click
- Easy to use Visual composer with our own shortcodes added create unlimited unique layout with just clicks!
- Unlimited Google Maps and contact forms includes Contact Form 7 plugin
- Easy footer modifications
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Review system
- Megamenu Columns
- Multiple Widget areas
- Custom Widgets
- Pego Latest Post Widget settings: title, number of posts, category select [optional], format select [optional] and showing type select [2 different types]
- Pego Posts in Tabs Widget 3 optional tabs, each with settings: title, number of posts, category select [optional], format select [optional] and showing type select [2 different types]
- Pego Flickr Widget
- Pego Twitter Widget
- Post options:
- Fully flexible layout! Build your own!
- 5 different types Standard, Image, Video, Gallery and Audio
- Single post build with Visual Composer!
- Category Post Options:
- Color will be set for category menu background, category tags background, category hover colours, ..
- Show type you may choose from 2 different showing types
- Latest news ticket you may set the news ticket to be visible for each category or not
- Featured Post Section you may set the featured Post Section to be visible for each category or not
- Sidebar select set the any sidebar for each category
- Featured Post Section:
- Make some posts stand out more than others!
- Can be used as many times as you want.
- 6 different layouts
- Select random post or latest ones.
- Option to set a slider in a post section.
- News ticket:
- Select how many latest posts to be visible in the news ticker!
- Place it wherever you want.
- Post Grid Layout:
- 4 different layouts
- Many settings for customization: post count, post thumbnail size, post category select, summary length, columns count,
- WPML ready
- Yoast Seo Wordpress plugin compatible
- Strong documentation
- XML export for demo look
- Pego team support via contact form on Themeforest profile and support ticket system
v1.0 28. 3. 2014
- Initial release
v1.1 29. 3. 2014
- Small bug issues resolved
v1.2 1. 4. 2014
- Mega menu - Columns added- Support for bbPress added - Small bugs issues fixed - Files that have changed: style.css, functions.php, custom-css.phpImages are NOT included in download package.
v1.3 4. 4. 2014
- Added option for turning off/on breadcrumbs on any page- Added option to set the submenu of a category to display 4 latest posts- Added option to add icons to menu items - Added option to set main and secondary theme font- Added option to add any Google Font- Added new examples for home page layout- Files that have changed: style.css, functions.php, custom-css.php, header.php, page.php, Settings.txt(import for Option Tree Settings), demoData.xml (new version of our demo export)- Files that have been added: functions/custom-page.php css/font-awesome.min.css, css/font/fontawesome-webfont.eot, css/font/fontawesome-webfont.svg, css/font/fontawesome-webfont.ttf, css/font/fontawesome-webfont.woff, css/font/FontAwesome.otf
v1.4 8. 4. 2014
- Added option for having a slider in the Post Section- Added option to set with which post item(position) should the latest post reading start- Files that have changed: style.css, media.css, flexslider.css, map.php, vc_teaser_grid.php, vc_post_section.php, js_composer.css- Files that have been added: images/bg_direction_nav1.png, wpbakery/js_composer/assets/images/post-section.type6.png
v1.5 2. 6. 2014
- Added support for Worpdress 3.9.x
v1.6 24th of April 2015
- We have updated the TGM Plugin Activation to the current latest version (v2.4.1)
- some plugins included into the theme have been updated
- Files that have been updated: style.css, functions.php, functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php, lib folder with plugins (latest plugins zip files are found in this folder)
v1.7 30th of June 2015
- security update - prettyPhoto
- files that have changed: folder wpbakery/js_composer/assets/lib/prettyphoto and js/custom.js
All images are from Depositphotos. Go check it. Apple product images are from
Meganews - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme
Meganews is a Responsive Magazine WordPress Theme with Layout Builder. Wordpress Theme Meganews is a Responsive Magazine Wordpress Theme with many features: easy to
Discussion on Meganews Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme ...
when will you deliver the next overdue upgrade? The Theme and the integrated PageBuilder are too old to work properly with wordpress 4.1.1 together.
Meganews - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme Free ...
Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme Free Wordpress Theme Meganews is a Responsive Magazine Wordpress Theme with WP Theme For Construction
Meganews - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme - Free ...
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Visual Shortcodes for WordPress v1.0 is a WordPress plugin that helps you manage all your shortcodes. It gives you easy access to the shortcodes that
Meganews Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme Download Free ...
Meganews v1.5 is an fantastic and incredible Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme and this WordPress Theme is capable with lots of features such as on click Theme
Meganews - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme | Free ...
Download the theme Meganews Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme on - FreeThemeWordpress is a database of full of new, old, clean
[Nulled] Meganews v1.5 Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme
Meganews v1.5 - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme is known as a Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme is known as a Responsive Magazine Wp Template
MegaNews Theme | WordPress Theme Designer
MegaNews Theme Break the ice with this bright magazine-style theme. all over the globe that work around the clock cranking out Wordpress Themes to share with
Meganews Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme (News ...
00Meganews is a Responsive Magazine WordPress Theme with Layout Builder. Wordpress Theme Meganews is a Responsive Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme
Meganews is a Responsive Magazine WordPress Theme with Layout Builder. Wordpress Theme Meganews is a Responsive Magazine Wordpress Theme with many features: easy to
Discussion on Meganews Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme ...
when will you deliver the next overdue upgrade? The Theme and the integrated PageBuilder are too old to work properly with wordpress 4.1.1 together.
Meganews - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme Free ...
Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme Free Wordpress Theme Meganews is a Responsive Magazine Wordpress Theme with WP Theme For Construction
Meganews - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme - Free ...
CargoPress, the best premium WordPress theme for transportation, trucking freight, and logistics businesses. CargoPress is easy to set up
Visual Shortcodes for WordPress v1.0 is a WordPress plugin that helps you manage all your shortcodes. It gives you easy access to the shortcodes that
Meganews Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme Download Free ...
Meganews v1.5 is an fantastic and incredible Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme and this WordPress Theme is capable with lots of features such as on click Theme
Meganews - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme | Free ...
Download the theme Meganews Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme on - FreeThemeWordpress is a database of full of new, old, clean
[Nulled] Meganews v1.5 Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme
Meganews v1.5 - Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme is known as a Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme is known as a Responsive Magazine Wp Template
MegaNews Theme | WordPress Theme Designer
MegaNews Theme Break the ice with this bright magazine-style theme. all over the globe that work around the clock cranking out Wordpress Themes to share with
Meganews Magazine Responsive Wordpress Theme (News ...
00Meganews is a Responsive Magazine WordPress Theme with Layout Builder. Wordpress Theme Meganews is a Responsive Magazine Responsive WordPress Theme