OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress - WordPress

Om is a very professionally curated photoblogging and visual storytelling theme. Om will make your sites content look amazing with balanced typography, colors and the attention to details.

You can customize Om with a variety of options, from default font color, typography (with Typekit integration) and font sizes. Why not take a test drive and see for yourself? Here are a few things worth paying attention to:

  • Background
  • Colors (Accent color and text color)
  • Layout (for Blog, Archives, Search, Single posts and pages)
  • Customizable Header and Footer Widgets

Om also offers compatibility with a number of popular plugins out there, so you can be up and running in no time.

Theme Page Examples

Theme Features

  • Responsive Design from Head to Footer
  • Crisp and clear, minimalistic design approach, with refined typography
  • Widgetized homepage that lets you re-order every homepage section
  • Optimized for Retina / HiDPI displays
  • Child Theme Ready
  • Change fonts on the move with Google Web Fonts
  • Change accent color with a simple color picker
  • Full Localisation Support ( .po/.mo files included )
  • StagTools Compatible (free) Adds shortcodes and custom widgets to your theme. For more info check the plugin page.
  • Compatible with Stag Custom Sidebars
  • Layered PSD files for easy customisation
  • Dedicated support desk to keep you covered
  • Extensive documentation ( Accessible both online and offline )
  • Frequent theme updates to ensure optimal compatibility with industry technologies.

Theme Change Log

You can view the changelog online.

OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress
OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress - For more details please visit: Created 20 August 14 Last Update 3 February 15 High

OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress - WordPress ...
Om is a very professionally curated photoblogging and visual storytelling theme. Om will make your sites content look amazing with balanced typography, colors and - Official Site
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OM A Stylish WordPress Blogging Theme
OM is an all new personal blogging wordpress theme designed Home / Templates / OM A Stylish Wordpress Blogging Theme. Child Theme; Download Blogging Warrior

Support for OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress ...
This support page will give you more information on the level of support offered for OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress that you can purchase from ThemeForest.

OM Responsive Stylish WordPress Blogging Theme
OM is clean, sharp, minimal, stylish wordpress theme for creative bloggers available with 3 post grid layouts for your home page, blog page, archives and search

OM WordPress Theme for modern & stylish Blogging Sites
OM WordPress Theme is a modern and stylish blogging theme suitable for Personal Blog and Online Magazines.

OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress - Blog and ...
Om is a very professionally curated photoblogging and visual storytelling theme. Om will make your sites content look amazing with balanced typography, colors and

OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress (Blog ...
Om is a very professionally curated photoblogging and visual storytelling theme. Om will make your sites content look amazing with balanced typography News
Create a free website or easily build a blog on Hundreds of free, mobile-ready designs and themes. Scaling WP Queries with Elasticsearch;

OM - A stylish blogging theme for WordPress - WordPress Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin