#1.1.3 (10.09.2015) + Update facebook api for widget (Kopa) like box facebook#1.1.2 (12.08.2015) + Fix display message in facebook ( widget Kopa Social ) + Update plugin seramag-toolkit#1.1.1 (07.08.2015) + Update style to display result pages + Fix order by date and time in widget (Kopa List Point Tables ) + Replace date_format() by date_i18n #1.1.0 (02.06.2015) + edit: resolved issue "Themes Security Vulnerability" + edit: using esc_attr, esc_url, esc_textarea, wp_kses to print data + update: BFI_Thumb to 1.3 + update: The "TGM Plugin Activation" to 2.5.0#1.0.2 * Update get previous fixtures by date time (seramag-sport 1.0.2) * Add filters for display date and time of upcoming fixtures and list scores (seramag-sport 1.0.2)#1.0.1 * Update css for sticky menu * Fix the date of widget "(Kopa) Sync Carousel Slider" * Update enable save character > in custom css * Add option type game for widget (Kopa) List Scores to show played games or upcoming games (seramag-sport 1.0.1)#1.0.0 * Theme release !!!
SeraMag is a clean, responsive and versatile WordPress theme, which is suitable to build a sport blog, magazine, news or online shop. The theme come with 7 home pages, 6 blog pages along with sleekly design, dynamic style.
Moreover, SeraMag is compatible with WooCommerce, uses the best clean SEO practices and supports unlimited sidebar, Polylang plugin for multiple languages that is all of you need to create the best website and make impressive for visitors.
Now let discover the best features and own a unique website.
Becoming our customer, you will get the most enthusiastic support through submit ticket. In working day (from Monday to Friday), all the question or problem relating to our template will be responded within maximum 24 hours. No matter how long it takes, we will support you until the problem is completely fixed. Support request sent during weekends will be processed on next Monday morning.
We are available for customizing the theme if you need. Please send us your message at contact.
SeraMag profesional magazine WordPress theme SeraMag #1.0.0 * Theme release !!! SeraMag is a clean, responsive and versatile WordPress theme,
SeraMag profesional magazine WordPress theme
Overview SeraMag is a clean, responsive and versatile WordPress theme, which is suitable to build a sport blog, magazine, news or online shop. The theme come with 7
SeraMag profesional magazine WordPress theme | StockThemes
Discover the SeraMag profesional magazine WordPress theme and compare it against thousands of other premium themes available at StockThemes.
SeraMag v1.0.3 - profesional magazine WordPress theme ...
SeraMag v1.0.3 - profesional magazine WordPress theme. SeraMag v1.0.3 profesional magazine WordPress theme. SeraMag is a clean,
Download SeraMag Wordpress Theme | Premium Themes
Download SeraMag Wordpress Theme 6 mesi ago. by admin. Add Comment. Demo SeraMag Wordpress Themes. Link download SeraMag Wordpress Themes | SeraMag profesional
SeraMag profesional magazine WordPress theme - Blog ...
Overview SeraMag is a clean, responsive and versatile WordPress theme, which is suitable to build a sport blog, magazine, news or online shop. The theme come with 7
SeraMag v1.0.3 - profesional magazine WordPress theme
SeraMag is a clean, responsive and versatile WordPress theme, which is suitable to build a sport blog, magazine, news or online shop. The theme come with
SeraMag profesional magazine WordPress theme (Blog ...
Visit the post for more. Overview #1.0.2 * Update get previous fixtures by date time (seramag-sport 1.0.2) * Add filters for display date and time of upcoming
SeraMag v1.0.3 - profesional magazine WordPress theme ...
SeraMag is a clean, responsive and versatile WordPress theme, which is suitable to build a sport blog, magazine, news or online shop. The theme come with 7 home pages
SeraMag v1.0.3 - profesional magazine WordPress theme ...
responsive and versatile WordPress theme, http://themeforest.net/item/seramag-profesional-magazine-wordpress-theme/10411869. © 2015 ThemeFiesta.com.