WP PRO Visual Banner Creator - WordPress

Wordpress Photoshop style Visual Banner Creator!

The WP PRO Visual Banner Creator allows you to edit/create banners directly on your website. You can add extra images, shapes and text to existing/uploaded banners on your website!
Using the shortcode option you can add the Banner Designer to the frontend of your website and allow users to create their own banners.
Designs can be saved including all different layers so you can edit easily your design any time.

- Ready to use with the WP Pro Advertising System!

List of Features

  • Load/Upload banners: Simply use existing or upload new banners from your website.
  • Add images: Add multiple images on top of each other.
  • Add shapes: create circle or rectangle shapes to add on top of your banners. you can also change the colors of the shapes.
  • Add Text: Add text on top of your banners. You can change the color and border color of the text. You can also change the font famaly include all available Google Fonts!
  • Add SVG: The plugin already includes over 30 svg objects ready to use in your projects. Beside that its possible to load your own svg code to work with.
  • Change Opacity: Change the opacity level for each individual layer.
  • Position items by Drag and Drop: Simply position the items on your banner by dragging them to the right place.
  • Save banner: Save your updated banner as .png files and link them to your Wordpress Media so they can be used anywhere on your website.
  • Save designs: Save your designs including all different layers so you can easily edit your banner any time you need.
  • Frontend Editor: Using the custom shortcode [visual_banner_creator] you can add the Banner Creator to the frontend of your website and allow users to create their own banners.


V2.1.0 - May 17 - 2015    - Added filter vbc_custom_banner_sizes to add custom banner sizes.V2.0.9 - february 12 - 2015    - Added Drawing option.V2.0.8 - January 27 - 2015    - Added undo option    - Added SVG code upload function.    - Added SVG designs.    - Added option to group items.    - Updated Menu.V2.0.7 - January 24 - 2015    - Fixed JS issue with undefined canvas.V2.0.6 - January 24 - 2015    - Added rounded corner option for rectangles.    - Added font to element updates.    - Updated edit item options.V2.0.5 - January 23 - 2015    - Added text-align option.    - Added Font weight option.    - Added line height option.    - Added text decoration option.V2.0.4 - January 16 - 2015    - Fixed issue with featured images.V2.0.3 - January 03 - 2015    - Fixed undefined Class issue.    - Fixed some undefined notices.V2.0.2 - December 28 2014    - Integrated Google Fonts.    - Added option to use the visual banner creator on the frontend    - Added shortcode [visual_banner_creator]V2.0.1 - December 26 2014    - Added ADD-ON functionality to the plugin to work with the WP PRO ADVERTISING SYSTEM V2.0.0 - December 26 2014    - New and improved plugin to meet the Wordpress 4.+ standards.    - NOTE: If updating from previous versions make sure to remove the old plugin first before installing the new one.V 1.0.1 - April 27 2014    - Fixed issue with icons not showing.     - fixed issue with featured images.WP PRO BANNER CREATOR V 1.0.0 - April 7 2014    - First Release.

WP PRO Visual Banner Creator - WordPress | CodeCanyon
Wordpress Photoshop style Visual Banner Creator! The WP PRO Visual Banner Creator allows you to edit/create banners directly on your website. You can add extra images

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Visual Banner Creator; Pre Post Ads; API; #1 Most Complete Advertising System For WordPress. WP Pro Advertising System, created for WordPress is a very

WP PRO Visual Banner Creator
Wordpress Photoshop style Visual Banner Creator! The WP PRO Visual Banner Creator allows you to edit/create banners directly on your website. You can add extra images

Visual Banner Creator - WP Pro Advertising System
Visual Banner Creator WordPress. Create amazing banners online directly from your website!

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WP PRO Visual Banner Creator free download nulled - php scripts, wordpress themes, wordpress plugins, html 5 templates, code snippets, facebook apps, android apps

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The WP PRO Advertising System WordPress Plugin allows you to manage advertisements on your Make sure you check out the WP Pro Visual Banner Creator

[GET] WP PRO Visual Banner Creator - PURCHASED - Beng Forum
Wordpress Photoshop style Visual Banner Creator! The WP PRO Visual Banner Creator allows you to edit/create banners directly on your website. You can add extra images

WP PRO Banner Creator - Wordpress Themes
The wp pro banner creator allows you to edit/create banners directly on your website. You can add extra images, Wordpress Photoshop style banner creator!

WordPress Support ยป Can't change banner images
iRibbon Can't change banner images (3 posts) Bendex, I am not a WP pro WordPress version: 3.4.2; Tags. No tags yet. About;

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Wordpress banner creator.

WP PRO Visual Banner Creator - WordPress Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin