WP ScratchIt - WordPress | CodeCanyon


WP ScratchIt is a WordPress Plugin designed to provide interactive scratch cards by generating them. the plugin is optimized for all Modern browsers, because it uses the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technology to provide a better experience of scratching. You can use the plugin to make scratch cards, promotional code, coupons or even advertisements.


  • Touch Enabled
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Manage many Scratch Cards
  • Generate Background from Text
  • Generate Background from multiple values (only one value is selected)
  • Allow multiple backgrounds upload and only one background is selected randomly
  • Auto draw the behind scratch Image when The user scratch X% from the foreground
  • Easy to use
  • Documented!!


You found a bug, you need a feature, feel free to contact me on my profile page Thank you!!

Require PHP 5.5 or Higher!

Road Map !

  • Allow Random Prioritization
  • Allow more styled generated Images

Change Log

  • 01/21/2015: First Release
  • 01/23/2010: Version 1.1
    • Allow multiple Values & Backgrounds and only one is selected randomly

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WP ScratchIt - WordPress | CodeCanyon Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin