Blackfyre gives you the power to create massive gaming communities. Users can create clans and challenge each others, keeping track of the matches, share content and much more!
Main features:
- Clan war system: Create and manage team matches
- Users can create and manage clans
- Predefined page layout for clans for easy creation
- Full buddypress support, create your own community!
- Page builder powered by Visual Composer
- WooCommerce support
- Parallax blocks
- Video blocks
- Animated images and icons
- WPML Ready
- Translate ready .po files included
- Rating System , widget included
- bbPress ready, create your own community!
- Fully responsive design
- Unlimited colours
- Upload your own backgrounds
- CSS3 Styling
- CSS3 Animations
- Build using the latest Bootstrap
- Powered by Theme barracks with extensive options:
- Typography options
- Unlimited colours
- Upload your own backgrounds
- Jquery page slider turn on/off option
- Blog options
- Seo options
- Footer options
- Social media options
- Awesome Page builder with loads of blocks, simply drag and drop to create the page that you want!
- Cross-browser compatible
- Seo ready
- XML dummy content file included
- Extensive documentation file
- Support forum
Need help? Visit our Support Forum
I offer theme support via our support forum. If you have any problems or if you find a bug/error, please post them there. I will NOT be able to answer any questions regarding support in the comments. (
Please note: the images that can be seen in the preview images will not be included in the download. These are for preview purposes only.
Special thanks to: grosnez,sandara,foton-3,saturnoarg,tobylewin,thomaswievegg,leventep,antimingebag,tamplierpainter for the images
If you love it, please dont forget to rate it!
Update History
Current version: 1.4.2
September 2nd, 2015
- Updated "Blackfyre types plugin"(PLEASE DELETE OLD ONE AND REPLACE IT WITH VERSION 1.1)- Fixed default role for social networks /include/handler/index.php- Fixed back end permissions /functions.php- Fixed issue with comments on match pages (if they are still not showing just click edit match button again) /functions.php- Fixed roles issue in demo importer /demo/import_options.php- Fixed new widget constructor for WP 4.3.0 /widgets/lates_twitter/latest_twitter_widget.pohp /wigets/rating/popular-widget.php- Fixed post grid visible only for admins /functions.php- Added link to authors in archive, category and blog pages /archive.php /index.php /single.php /category.php /tag.php /tmp-blog-full.php /tmp-blog-isotope.php /tmp-blog-left.php /tmp-blog-right.php /js_composer\include\templates\shortcodes\vc_column_blog.php- 'Next match' text changed to 'last match', if time expired in top match section in matches tab /single-clan.php- Default time zone is now one from WP /header.php- Added notifications to Match tab (this will include delete, submit actions and new challenges) /single-clan.php- Password field removed from registration page. Password will be sent to user email. /page-user-registration.php- Buddypress members widget styled /css/main.css /css/budpress.css- Fixed multiple responsive issues /css/main.css /css/budpress.css /css/boostrap.css- Added new column in back end in matches section so admin can see which user submitted score /addons/clan-wars/wp-clanwars.php- Added Buddypress extended fields to profile page /buddypress/members/single/profile.php- Gamer role improved along with permissions /functions.php
August 21st, 2015
- Added custom icons for VC/js_composer-Updated Parallax part of VC plugin/addons/image-parallax-for-vc-New role created for users. Gamer role (you will have to switch all users to this role)/functions.php-All users except admin are denied from back end access/functions.php-Fixed one click importer to fit new VC changes/demo
August 14th, 2015
- Updated visual composer to latest version /js_composer- User cannot delete or edit match if match is added by admin /single.php /functions.php- Fixed mega menu that goes behind footer when page doesn't have much content /css/mains.css /css/buddypress.css- Added wrapper to "Who's online widget", when there are no users /js/global.js-Fixed issue with tabs going behind profile picture on smaller resolutions /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/boostrap.css- Toolbar and Dashboard hidden from all users except admin /functions.php- Default role changed to author (you can use some plugin to control roles, but default role needs to have publish permissions for clan post type). Removed all alternations of roles from code. (Don't forget to move your current users from Contributor to Author role) /functions.php- Custom post types added as a plugin.- Fixed multiple translation issues. Pot file updated- Fixed avatar bug. Avatars are now connected with extended profiles of Buddypress. /functions.php- Archive page layout bug fixed /archive.php- Added support for post templates in child themes /post_templates.php- Fixed wrappers in visual composer /js_composer- Popular post widget adjusted. Now it takes both comments and likes for post sorting /widgets/rating/popular-widget.php- Added game selector in 'Next game widget' /addons/clan-wars/wp-nextclanmatch-widget.php- Fixed wrappers for clans /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/boostrap.css- Fixed lines in menu /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/boostrap.css- Fixed when you hover over username in admin bar/back end huge photo. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/boostrap.css- Fixed game logos are stretched and rectangular in list of matches /functions.php- Latest matches not showing bug fixed /functions.php- Added all categories option in 'Popular posts' widget /widgets/rating/popular-widget.php- Vc composer adjusted for network installations /js_composer/js_composer.php- Added credits to 'Clan Wars' plugin /addons/clan-wars/wp-clanwars.php /addons/clan-wars/wp-clanwars-widget.php- Added html support in news blocks /js_composer/include/templates/shortcodes/vc_column_tabbed.php /js_composer/include/templates/shortcodes/vc_column_horizontal.php- Added mail notification function when new user register /page-user-registration.php- Added user extended profile fields to registration form /functions.php /page-user-registration.php- Fixed data validation issues /addons/google-fonts/google-fonts.php /addons/smartmetabox/smart_meta_fields/select.php /buddypress/members/single/member-header.php /buddypress/members/single/settings/general.php- Fixed multiple undefined variables issues- Added support for Cyrillic /functions.php
Jun 23th, 2015
- Fixed avatar issue (don't use Extended profiles avatar section until we get reply from BuddyPress about their action hooks) - Fixed position of closing tag in log in form in Mozilla /css/main.css- Countries can now be localized /page-user-registration.php- Fixed matches added via admin panel have to be saved twice before showing their results correctly /addons/wp-clanwars.php- WPML log in and redirection issue fixed /header.php /buddypress/members/single/members-header.php /sidebar.php- Fixed display error of clan page in mobile /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css- Fixed when adding match via wp-admin and not using any pre-defined opponent team (using text field as team's name) - on single match page the team name and photo will link to the match page itself. /addons/wp-clanwars.php- Forum sticky posts npw have white background /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css- Fixed in Firefox, the profile picture that's set for a user in the right side of the admin bar is HUGE after hovering over your profile name. Prevents logging out on smaller screens! /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css- Fixed "All clans page" layout broken when a clan name is too long /functions.php- Turning off registration in WordPress settings will now hide the 'register' button and disallow registration through the registration page. /header.php /page-user-registration.php- Clanwars match description now allows shortcodes and HTML. /single.php /addons/clan-wars/wp-clanwars.php- Fixed when you disable bbPress the 'Forum' tab in user profile is still visible /functions.php- Fixed installing Advanced Custom Fields plugin creates conflicts with ACF functions that are already included in the slider code. /addons/slider/acf.php /addons/slider/core.php- Fixed an issue where the website would not display correctly after one-click install (only header visible or error in the header). /header.php- Fixed an issue where non-admin users where unable to change their profile picture on some server configurations. /buddypress/members/single/member-header.php- Fixed some text strings that were not marked for translation. /header.php- Fixed some PHP errors and warnings on clan pages. /functions.php- PrettyPhoto XSS vulnerability patched with latest version /js_composer/assets/lib/PrettyPhoto
Jun 8th, 2015
- Fixed an issue where dropdown menu, login button in page header, frontend Visual Composer and other JS dependent elements would not work. /js/jquery.fancybox.js- Fixed WPML issues - registration and clan challenge pages shouldn't become duplicated multiple times when WPML is active. /theme-functions /theme-functions/page-templates.php /tmp-clan-challenge.php- Fixed an issue where pagination on 'All matches' page would return 404 error. /addons/clan-wars/wp-clanwars.php- Fixed a PHP fatal error on monthly archive pages. /functions.php
Jun 5th, 2015
- Fixed an issue where pagination of member friends page would load friend list into wrong HTML container. /buddypress/member/single/member-header.php- Fixed an issue where the default clan logo (for clans without uploaded logo image) would be too big on all matches page. /addons/clan-wars/wp-clanwars.php- Fixed empty div in homepage template. /tmp-home.php- Renamed the 'Contact page title' option in Theme Options to 'Registration page title' to reflect its real use. /themeOptions/options.php- Fixed multiple PHP errors and warnings on user profiles. /functions.php- Fixed multiple PHP errors and warning on clan pages. /js_composer/include/templates/shortcodes/vc_latest_matches.php- Fixed some PHP errors and warnings related to Google Fonts. /addons/google-fonts/webfonts.php- Fixed an issue where the WP installation would become broken (white page or PHP fatal error) after performing one-click install. /functions.php- It is now possible to place 2, 3 or 4 widgets in footer (they will be properly resized to fit in the footer area instead of being fixed on of 1/3 footer width). /footer.php /functions.php- Activity feed 'Load more' button now styled. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php- Fixed an issue where some menu links were not properly highlighted (like category links when category page was visited). /css/bootstrap.css- Fixed WooCommerce - breadcrumbs on WC pages. /functions.php- Fixed category archives - they will now display the correct category and pagination. /archive.php /category.php- Exported new .pot file (blackfyre.pot) and deleted outdated default.po and files from /langs folder.- Various fixes in demo importer, including deletion of uploads folder /demo- Fixed multiple translation issues.- Color lines in menu are now fixed /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php- Complete z-index of website is fixed, all the popups and plugin layers should display properly now. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php /js_composer/assets/css/js_composer_frontend_editor.css, /css/colours.php /css/woocommerce.css /css/clanwars.css /admin-style.css- Fixed avatars in user's friend requests tab. /buddypress/members/single/friends/requests.php- Image description field in Blackfyre slider now supports html. /functions.php- Admin now can change users data and images in their profile in front end of the website. /functions.php /buddypress- Option to disable ShareThis is added in Theme Options /themeOptions/options.php /footer.php /single.php /tmp-1right-sidebar.php /tmp-2left-sidebar.php /tmp-3full-width.php- Fixed layout in user's friend requests tab. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php- Pagination size is now consistent across the website. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php- Matches added manually via WP admin panel display their results differently on 'All matches' page (or other match lists) and single match page (results at 0:0, submit scores button available) if fixed. Adding score in back end will mark that match as completed. /addons/clan-wars/wp-clanwars.php- WooCommerce shopping card hover bug is fixed. /header.php- Added proper layout for Add/Remove from friends on user profile page. /functions.php- Clan wars creation, about us box text color is now fixed. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php- Category archive link in menu is now properly highlighted when visiting a category archive page. The same goes for forums. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php- Group section tab is added,- IE return button when WooCommerce cart is empty button is showing now. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php- Buddypress group members layout if fixed. /css/main.css /css/buddypress.css /css/colours.php- Added option to restrict clan creation in Theme Options. In Users section of admin back end, there is a check box where admin can select which users can create clans when restriction is active. /functions.php /themeOptions/options.php /header.php- Scripts, css and images are now optimized. Theme should work faster now.
May 7th, 2015
- 'Who's online' section will now correctly display user avatars. /functions.php- Removed old, unused Google Fonts settings from Theme Options -> Customize panel. Added new separate Google Fonts with more options. /themeoptions/options.php /functions.php- Google Fonts will now correctly load latin-ext font subsets (if available). /css/gf-style.css /css/fonts.php - removed /addons/google-fonts/google-fonts.php /header.php- Avatars will now correctly display on user activity pages. /functions.php- 'Who's online' section will now correctly display user avatars. /functions.php- Fixed an issue where the 'Add URL' popup window was not visible when using Visual Composer on the front end. /main.css /functions.php- Fixed checkout button is not aligned on the template. /main.css- Fixed "Already a customer? LOGIN" section at checkout, the login button is invisible until you hover over it. /main.css- Registration page: JOIN BLACKFYRE text optional from theme options. /page-user-registration.php /themeoptions/options.php /css/main.css- Added an option in Theme Options panel to select layout of category/archives. /themeoptions/options.php /archive.php /category.php- Added responsive classes to blog page templates. /tmp-blog-right.php /tmp-blog-left.php /tmp-blog-full.php /tmp-blog-isotope.php-The theme will now properly load external resources via HTTPS if needed (should be compatible with SSL now). /footer.php /single.php /functions.php- Activity and Groups tabs will now correctly disappear if corresponding BuddyPress modules are disabled. /function.php- Match description doesn't handle HTML content /single.php- The recommended plugin's alert is no longer visible to all users in wp-admin pages (will be visible only for admin users). /functions.php- Multiple translation textdomain bugs have been fixed. The theme is now fully compatible with Codestyling Localization translation plugin.- Style.css tags have been updated. /style.php- Users can now change their nickname and display name from edit profile page. /buddypress/members/single/member-header.php /buddypress/members/single/settings/general.php- WordPress admin bar should now be properly hidden for all users except admins. /functions.php- Added post background for full width post templates /tmp-3full-width.php- Captcha spam protection has been added to the registration page. /page-user-registration.php /addons/captcha- Users can now change the background of registration page. /page-user-regstration.php- Fixed BuddyPress notification area display bug on some installations. /css/buddypress.css- Fixed multiple PHP errors on clan pages. /functions.php- Fixed a layout issue when creating a BuddyPress group on the frontend. /buddypress.css- Page header background will now be properly fixed. /css/main.css- Multiple WooCommerce layout issues have been fixed. The theme is now compatible with recent versions of WooCommerce. /css/main.css /css/woocommerce.css- Fixed few display quirks on mobile browsers. /css/colour.php /css/boostrap.css - Woocommerce dropdown on checkout page /css/main.css- Multiple styling fixes /css/main.css /cs/budypress.css- Plugin activation updated to latest 2.4.2 version /pluginactivation.php
March 27th, 2015
- Added social.js script that was missing /functions.php- Fixed one click import permission error /demo/import_usermeta.php
March 26th, 2015
- Added RTL support /functions.php /css/trl.css- Enabled admin bar /functions.php- Fixed css bug in menu (lines on hover) /css/main.cssMarch 19th, 2015
- Release
Blackfyre - Create Your Own Gaming Community Blackfyre - Create Your Own Gaming Community
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Blackfyre gives you the power to create massive gaming communities. Users can create clans and challenge each others, keeping track of the matches, share content and
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