Interstitial Ads for WordPress is the only plugin of its kind that allows you to show immersive Interstitial Ads on any WordPress powered site. Make your traffic work for you and turn your WordPress site into a cash cow by pushing ads, subscription offers, trials, etc!
- Show Interstitial style ads quickly and easily!
- Timer can be disabled!
- Optional close / skip button.
- Interstitial delay allows you to show ads right away or let users browse the page for X amount of time before ad shows.
- Wait timer allows you to control how frequent ads show to your users.
- Built in ad rotator allows you to quickly test multiple ads!
- Use any type of content in your ads! Flash, HTML , Images, Demo Videos, Audio, etc.
- Page control allows you to use on all pages or just a few!
- Gorgeous AJAX admin panel.
- Full documentation!
Endless Uses!
Interstitial Ads for WordPress is so robust the uses are endless for making money!
- Use it to show demo videos of other products and services.
- Newsletter / Email List Subscriptions.
- Push targeted affiliate products to your users.
- Insert ad codes from ANY ad network like Adsense, Adbrite, Clickbank, etc.
- Demo videos.
- Sell your own eBooks.
- The list does on and on!
WordPress Interstitial Ads « WordPress Plugins
Interstitial Ads is an easy to use ads manager for a full page ad that appears before the actual webpage. (WP Super Cache and W3 or W3 Total Cache) WordPress
WordPress interstitial-ads « Tags « WordPress Plugins
AdPop is an advertising program which let you make money without taking any ad space. By: AjariAkuWordPress
Interstitial Ads for WordPress - WordPress | CodeCanyon
Interstitial Ads for WordPress is the only plugin of it WP Standalone; Zen Cart; ajax, iframe, interstitial, Interstitial Ads, jquery,
Interstitial Ads Plugin for WordPress · Dagon Design
Creating default object from empty value in /home/design/public_html/wp-content of interstitial ads, Interstitial Ads Plugin for WordPress.
WP Interstitial Ad Premium WordPress Plugin
When you download this rare piece of WordPress tech and start using it, don't be shy about telling the rest of the internet marketing world about its power.
Interstitial Ads for WordPress on Vimeo
Interstitial Ads for WordPress is the only plugin of its kind that allows you to show immersive Interstitial Ads on any WordPress powered site.
WP Interstitial Ads WordPress Plugin: WP LIBERTY
What Do Interstitial Ads Do? They are ads that you show on your own websites in between pages. So if someone opts into your list
Interstitial Ads for WordPress
Interstitial Ads is an easy to use ads manager for a full page ad that appears before the actual webpage. Ads that appear in a separate ('pop up') window
WordPress Interstitial, Hyperstitial, Superstitial ads ...
Icegram Interstitial is a WordPress plugin to show Interstitial, Hyperstitial, Superstitial ad messages on your WordPress blog / site. 3 themes & tons of options.
AdFly Rotater For WordPress - WordPress | CodeCanyon
AdFly Rotater for WordPress allows you to instantly turn any WordPress site into a cash setup powerful interstitial ad WP Standalone; Zen Cart;
Interstitial Ads is an easy to use ads manager for a full page ad that appears before the actual webpage. (WP Super Cache and W3 or W3 Total Cache) WordPress
WordPress interstitial-ads « Tags « WordPress Plugins
AdPop is an advertising program which let you make money without taking any ad space. By: AjariAkuWordPress
Interstitial Ads for WordPress - WordPress | CodeCanyon
Interstitial Ads for WordPress is the only plugin of it WP Standalone; Zen Cart; ajax, iframe, interstitial, Interstitial Ads, jquery,
Interstitial Ads Plugin for WordPress · Dagon Design
Creating default object from empty value in /home/design/public_html/wp-content of interstitial ads, Interstitial Ads Plugin for WordPress.
WP Interstitial Ad Premium WordPress Plugin
When you download this rare piece of WordPress tech and start using it, don't be shy about telling the rest of the internet marketing world about its power.
Interstitial Ads for WordPress on Vimeo
Interstitial Ads for WordPress is the only plugin of its kind that allows you to show immersive Interstitial Ads on any WordPress powered site.
WP Interstitial Ads WordPress Plugin: WP LIBERTY
What Do Interstitial Ads Do? They are ads that you show on your own websites in between pages. So if someone opts into your list
Interstitial Ads for WordPress
Interstitial Ads is an easy to use ads manager for a full page ad that appears before the actual webpage. Ads that appear in a separate ('pop up') window
WordPress Interstitial, Hyperstitial, Superstitial ads ...
Icegram Interstitial is a WordPress plugin to show Interstitial, Hyperstitial, Superstitial ad messages on your WordPress blog / site. 3 themes & tons of options.
AdFly Rotater For WordPress - WordPress | CodeCanyon
AdFly Rotater for WordPress allows you to instantly turn any WordPress site into a cash setup powerful interstitial ad WP Standalone; Zen Cart;