Modernist - Architecture&Engineer Wordpress Theme - WordPress

About Modernist

Now with Layout Builder Complete Control

How to use Layout Builder

Note : updating to Modernist to 1.3.1 can cause boxes to get hidden so go back to all pages and enable desired boxes.

Modernist is a beautiful wordpress theme made for people who need a great presentation of their work/company. We tried to bring something different on the market. High quality theme, that can be adapted easily for lot of work fields.

Light Skin:Dedicated for creative fields, architecture, design, photography, inspiration, agencies, freelancers.

Dark Skin:For architects, engineers, construction fields, building companies etc.

Theme Features

WordPress 3+ Ready (Including 3.5)
Umbrella ThemeOptions
Responsive Design. For Tablets and Mobile
HTML5 and CSS3
SEO Optimized
6 page templates
8 Shortcodes
2 Custom Post Types
Built In Contact Form
Tested and working in All major browsers
Rich Menu
Social Media Friendly
No plugin needed
Used jQuery no conflict mode
22+ PSD files included
Color picker costumization
2 Default skins (dark & light)

Umbrella Theme Options:Very comfortable theme panel, easily to fill it with your content, text, photos, videos.This theme contains a lot of fresh/needed widgets for creative fields.Everything is internal, we havent used any special plugins.

Pages/widgets designed/included:Homepage (last projects, services, blogposts)About (about, career, testmonials, staff)Blog (posts, singlepost, comments).Partners (description bar, logos & text)Projects (works, single work)Services (accordation mode)Contact (contact form, maps, contact info)Shortcodes (tabs, blockquote, toogles, notification bars, headings, lists, buttons).

Footer (contact info, bloroll, twitter feed).

2.4.2    Minor Bug Fix    header.php    scripts/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js    scripts/jquery.mousewheel.js    scripts/jquery.twitterfeed.js    scripts/script.js    style.css    style/anim.css    style/dark.css    style/global.css    style/jquery.jscrollpane.css    style/responsive.css2.3    Fixed Blog Image Float and Width    scripts/script.js    single-post.php    style.css2.2.1 Fixed Next Project Links (Limited to 10)    single-project_post.php    style/dark.css    style/global.css2.2 Minor Bug Fix    Search Page Included    search.php    style.css    style/dark.css    style/global.css    style/responsive.css2.1 Fixed Pagination    style.css    style/dark.css    style/global.css    template-blog.php2.0.3    Minor Bug Fix        scripts/script.js        style.css2.0.2 Fixed some CSS Issues        scripts/script.js        style.css        style/global.css2.0.1    Fixed Slider navigation    style.css    scripts/script.js2.0 Rewriten Responsive for iPad from scratch1.8.2 Minor Bug Fix1.6.3 Added feature to chose individual image for each Projects and Posts1.6 Services on home now will navigate to Services page and open the Service Accordion1.6 Added Google Map UI on Back-end and Google Map v3 API with marker1.6 Fixed Minor Bugs1.4 Added Layout Builder1.4 Fixed Color Picker Issue on Service's Responsive Accordion1.3.1 All Boxes are chosable1.3.1 Color Picker Issue Fixed1.3 Language Fix1.3 Drop-down menu fix1.3 Minor bug fix1.3 Fixed Responsive on dark skin1.3 Added Category template1.3 Added Project Category Template1.3 Added second level Menu's1.3 Added kinetik option, you can make the Menu dragable if the content does not fit within1.3 Fixed the logo position, if it is smaller it get's centered1.3 Added Youtube and Vimeo support on Project's page1.3 Linked Services on home page with Services Page1.2 Fixed Wordpress native Widgets1.2 If menu is wider that it becomes dragable1.2 Images on projects single page are fixed1.1 Fixed Accordion for Safari1.1 Made Accordion smoother1.1 Mobile Menu Drop Down on Click Event (not Hover).

Modern architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Modern architecture or modernist architecture is a term applied to an overarching movement, with its exact definition and scope varying widely. The term is often

Category:Modernist architecture - Wikipedia, the free ...
This category is intended for articles concerning architects, styles and buildings of the 20th century modernist architecture (i.e. high modernism in architecture).

Modernist architecture | Article about Modernist ...
modern architecture, new architectural style that emerged in many Western countries in the decade after World War I. It was based on the "rational" use of modern

Masters of Modernism
The modern movement in architecture and industrial design, which emerged in the early 20th century, responded to sweeping changes in technology and society.

Modernism - Picture Dictionary of Modern Architecture
An introduction to modernist ideas in architecture, with a look at American modernism in the form of Gordon Bunshaft's Beinecke Library at Yale University.

The Rise and Fall of Modernist Architecture - Student Pulse
Modernism first emerged in the early twentieth century, and by the 1920s, the prominent figures of the movement Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, and Ludwig Mies van

Modernist architecture : Roots (1920-1929) - OpenLearn ...
Modernist architecture: Roots (1920-1929) Hide summary. What inspired and kick-started the Modern Movement in architecture? What inspired and kick-started the

Modern Architecture | ArchDaily
25 Architects You Should Know. As an unavoidable art form, architecture is one of humanitys most visible and long-lasting forms of expression, writes Complex

Modern Architecture on Houzz: Tips From the Experts
How did modernism find its way into residential architecture? Consider the meaning of modern within the context of the development of a style.

Modern Architecture Defining Characteristics - Distinct ...
MODERN ARCHITECTURE DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS 10 Attributes That Define Modern Architecture Inspired by Function. Modern architecture breaks away from cookie-cutter

Modernist - Architecture&Engineer Wordpress Theme - WordPress Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin