Check out our brand new Responsive Timetable plugin
Timetable for music festivals, seminars, business events and even sport events! Built for Wordpress on jquery and php, this timetable is the ultimate, unique solution for an attractive and easy way to show visitors your events. The data can be updated using an easy admin panel while the php makes sure that everything will be search engine optimized. The timetable can be printed by your visitors and turns into a comprehensive list. Skins make it easy to adjust this timetable to any existing website.New in Version 2.0
Create multi-day events and timetables! Import & Export your timetables to CSV, which makes it super fast to add a large amount of events and locations by editing the file in Excel. Use a friendly editor to edit event descriptions, and place html inside. Preview your timetables in the admin before adding them to pages.Features
- NEW! Multi-day Events & Timetables!
- NEW! Import & Export to .csv
- NEW! Revamped Admin Panel
- Select a program to print.
- Built on jQuery & CSS3.
- Colorbox for printing (optional) , images and youtube.
- Fallback for the used css3 and javascript.
- HTML5 Valid.
- PHP 5+
- Wordpress 3.x
- jQuery 1.5+
A must have for all event based websites. We made this Timetable in partnership with Ceasar Feijen. Together with his youtube app both these scripts are a great addition to any event website.
Some real clients
2.3.1 (22 Mar 2014)* Updated back-end styling for new Wordpress UI* Fixed bug where time wasn't correctly linked to grid* Fixed bug with empty event and location titles* Fixed styling issue on export page with no timetables2.2.0 (4 Aug 2013)* Added full mobile touchscreen scrolling support!* Added button to duplicate entire locations with events* Added button to duplicate events* Improved scrolling on laptop touchpads* Fixed WP 3.6 bug where tabs weren't selected in admin2.1.0 (Jun 15 2013)* Fixed bug where event time's were shown incorrectly when set to 24-hour format2.0.2 (Apr 10 2013)* Fixed bug where users where unable to edit location title's and subtitle's2.0.1 (Jan 28 2013)* Fixed small bug with multi-day timetables2.0.0 (Jan 25 2013)* Added multi-day events and timetables* Added CSV import & export* Completely changed admin panel* Added WYSIWYG to event description & you can now put HTML in event descriptions* Added preview button in admin* Plugin doesn't rely on the XML timetable anymore, and is now up to twice as fast!1.4.0 (Sep 10 2012)* Added warning when Javascript is not running* Fixed bug where HTML code was outputted as text1.2.0 (Mar 15 2012)* Added option to choose between 12-hour and 24-hour time format1.1.0 (Feb 8 2012)* Fixed bug where paragraphs weren't rendered in event descriptions* Fixed bug for installations with different database table prefixes1.0.1 (Jan 11 2012)* Added support for Greek characters* Fixed undefined function bug for some servers1.0.0 (Jan 9 2012)* First version
Timetable Responsive Schedule for WordPress - CodeCanyon
Latest Version: 16.07.2015 v3.4. Check the changelog Timetable Responsive Schedule For WordPress is a powerful and easy-to-use schedule plugin for WordPress.
WordPress Weekly TimeTable - WordPress PlugIn ...
Basically, this systems installs 2 tables in the db: - the entry table - the time table. Whenever you create an entry you can associate it with a time table.
WordPress timetable « Tags « WordPress Plugins
Displays Google Calendar(s) as custom styled weekly timetable/schedule in your blog. Easy to manage complex timetables from google calendar. By: Aurimas Kubeldzis
Timetable for Wordpress - WordPress | CodeCanyon
Check out our brand new Responsive Timetable plugin Overview Timetable for music festivals, seminars, business events and even sport events! Built for Wordpress on
Formatting Date and Time « WordPress Codex
Customizing the Time and Date. Certain WordPress tag functions are used to display or return date and time information; the_date() and the_time() are examples of this.
Responsive Schedules for WordPress with the Timetable Plugin
Elio Qoshi reviews the WordPress plugin Timetable, that allows you to easily create responsive schedules for display on your WordPress website.
WP Time - WordPress plugins, themes, tutorials
Simple wordpress random image function, display random image without plugin, display one image or more than image, and shortcode random image.
Timetable | British Athletics Cardiff Cross Challenge
Race Timetable Start Time Distance 1. Under 13 Girls 11:00 2.9k 2. Under 13 Boys 11:15 2.9k 3. Under 15 Girls 11:25 2.9k 4. Under 15 Boys 11:45 4.2k 5. Senior Women
For all tango events that are happening in North West England
a big thank you to tango aires liverpool for moving their events over to the new tango timetable website. a big thank you to tango manchester for moving their events
Timetable Responsive Schedule For WordPress
Timetable Responsive Schedule For WordPress is a powerful and easy-to-use schedule plugin for WordPress. It will help you to create a timetable view of your events in
Latest Version: 16.07.2015 v3.4. Check the changelog Timetable Responsive Schedule For WordPress is a powerful and easy-to-use schedule plugin for WordPress.
WordPress Weekly TimeTable - WordPress PlugIn ...
Basically, this systems installs 2 tables in the db: - the entry table - the time table. Whenever you create an entry you can associate it with a time table.
WordPress timetable « Tags « WordPress Plugins
Displays Google Calendar(s) as custom styled weekly timetable/schedule in your blog. Easy to manage complex timetables from google calendar. By: Aurimas Kubeldzis
Timetable for Wordpress - WordPress | CodeCanyon
Check out our brand new Responsive Timetable plugin Overview Timetable for music festivals, seminars, business events and even sport events! Built for Wordpress on
Formatting Date and Time « WordPress Codex
Customizing the Time and Date. Certain WordPress tag functions are used to display or return date and time information; the_date() and the_time() are examples of this.
Responsive Schedules for WordPress with the Timetable Plugin
Elio Qoshi reviews the WordPress plugin Timetable, that allows you to easily create responsive schedules for display on your WordPress website.
WP Time - WordPress plugins, themes, tutorials
Simple wordpress random image function, display random image without plugin, display one image or more than image, and shortcode random image.
Timetable | British Athletics Cardiff Cross Challenge
Race Timetable Start Time Distance 1. Under 13 Girls 11:00 2.9k 2. Under 13 Boys 11:15 2.9k 3. Under 15 Girls 11:25 2.9k 4. Under 15 Boys 11:45 4.2k 5. Senior Women
For all tango events that are happening in North West England
a big thank you to tango aires liverpool for moving their events over to the new tango timetable website. a big thank you to tango manchester for moving their events
Timetable Responsive Schedule For WordPress
Timetable Responsive Schedule For WordPress is a powerful and easy-to-use schedule plugin for WordPress. It will help you to create a timetable view of your events in