Item Description:
Professional and elegant plugin that adds an Event Calendar to your posts or pages.
- Elegant & Sleek Design
- Languages Support
- Cross Browser Support
- Multi calendars in a page or post
- Upcoming Events Widget
- Simple to Customize
- Well Documented
Default Layout
01 Jul, 2014 Added End Time Feature16 Nov, 2013 Fixed minor issues adding events21 Aug, 2013 Added WP editor in events descriptionChanged AM/PM position10 Aug, 2013 Fixed issues in upcoming events widget3 Aug, 2013 Fixed responsive issues29 Apr, 2013 Added User Role option.26 Apr, 2013 Fixed an issue with "Upcoming events" widget.24 Apr, 2013 Added multisite support.04 Apr, 2013 Fixed an issue with "Upcoming events" widget.4 Sep, 2012 Fixed an issue with date range.20 Aug, 2012 Added date range.Added calendar widget.04 Aug, 2012 Fixed issues with Hebrew characters.27 Apr, 2012 Improved the admin UI.07 Mar, 2012 Fixed a minor issue with time box colors.05 Mar, 2012 Fixed issues with weekly events.28 Feb, 2012 Fixed minor issues.03 Feb, 2012 Added Bulk actions for events in the administration (Clone, Delete)28 Jan, 2012 Fixed an issue with the translation of "All Day" label27 Jan, 2012 Added Events Font-size Customization. Added Width unity ('px', '%'); 16 Jan, 2012 Added End Date Feature. Added the possibility to change the colors of the priorities boxes 7 Jan, 2012 Fixed an issue in the last update. 27 Dec, 2011 Added Recurring Events (Frecuency Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) 19 Dec, 2011 Added Show/Hide Time feature. Added select Date Format on Widget. Added "All day" feature on events.15 Dec, 2011 Fixed an issue with the font size.7 Dec, 2011 Added "Upcoming Events" Widget.5 Dec, 2011 Added Style Options to change font-sizes.Improved the general styles.3 Dec, 2011 Fixed minor issues and CSS styles.1 Dec, 2011 Added Multi-Calendar Feature.29 Nov, 2011 - Released
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WordPress The Events Calendar « WordPress Plugins
The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome.
WordPress WordPress Event Calendar « WordPress Plugins
WordPress event calendar is a FREE user-friendly responsive plugin to manage multiple recurring events and with various options. WordPress Calendar
40+ WordPress Event and Calendar Plugins | CodeCanyon
Browse WordPress calendar plugins. Add calendars, schedules, booking tools and events to your WordPress website.
The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe
The number one top of the line Events Calendar plugin for WordPress websites. Events Coming to a Country Near You ...
Were excited to unveil our new events calendar, letting users around the world find new ways to connect with the WordPress community.
Events Manager for WordPress » Blog Archive Using Event ...
Events Manager is a plugin for WordPress which enables you to publish event, locations and calendars as well as accepting bookings for these events.
Google Calendar Support
Google Calendar is a free calendar application from Google that makes it easy to keep track of lifes important events all in one place. Embedding a Google Calendar
6 best Calendar Wordpress Plugins | PremiumCoding
There are numeruous free and premium Calendar Wordpress plugins in Wordpress repository and Codecanyon and below is the list of some of the best.
Best Calendar Plugins for WordPress - WP Mayor
There are many calendar plugins out there, each serving different needs, from the basic calendar we all know to a calendar specifically for Facebook events.
Wordpress Pro Event Calendar - WordPress | CodeCanyon
Item Description: The Pro Event Calendar plugin adds a professional and sleek calendar to your posts or pages. 100% Responsive, also you can use it inside a widget.
The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome.
WordPress WordPress Event Calendar « WordPress Plugins
WordPress event calendar is a FREE user-friendly responsive plugin to manage multiple recurring events and with various options. WordPress Calendar
40+ WordPress Event and Calendar Plugins | CodeCanyon
Browse WordPress calendar plugins. Add calendars, schedules, booking tools and events to your WordPress website.
The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe
The number one top of the line Events Calendar plugin for WordPress websites. Events Coming to a Country Near You ...
Were excited to unveil our new events calendar, letting users around the world find new ways to connect with the WordPress community.
Events Manager for WordPress » Blog Archive Using Event ...
Events Manager is a plugin for WordPress which enables you to publish event, locations and calendars as well as accepting bookings for these events.
Google Calendar Support
Google Calendar is a free calendar application from Google that makes it easy to keep track of lifes important events all in one place. Embedding a Google Calendar
6 best Calendar Wordpress Plugins | PremiumCoding
There are numeruous free and premium Calendar Wordpress plugins in Wordpress repository and Codecanyon and below is the list of some of the best.
Best Calendar Plugins for WordPress - WP Mayor
There are many calendar plugins out there, each serving different needs, from the basic calendar we all know to a calendar specifically for Facebook events.
Wordpress Pro Event Calendar - WordPress | CodeCanyon
Item Description: The Pro Event Calendar plugin adds a professional and sleek calendar to your posts or pages. 100% Responsive, also you can use it inside a widget.