Wordpress Pro Event Calendar - WordPress

Item Description:

The Pro Event Calendar plugin adds a professional and sleek calendar to your posts or pages. 100% Responsive, also you can use it inside a widget.


  • Elegant & Sleek Design
  • Responsive Layout
  • Easy to manage Events
  • Let users submit events from the frontend
  • Add special dates to your calendar like Holidays
  • Import events from an ICS feed or Facebook
  • Sync a calendar with a ICS live URL
  • User Roles Set who can manage the plugin
  • Custom CSS option to edit the calendar styles easily
  • Bookings Allow users to book events
  • Export Bookings list to Excel (XLS)
  • Limit the number of bookings in an event
  • Draggable / Touchable
  • Google Map support
  • RTL support
  • Upcoming Events Widget
  • Today Events Widget
  • Subscribe to a calendar Allows users to subscribe to a specific calendar to get newsletter. Mailchimp Supported
  • Recurring Events Create complex recurring events with the multiple options that this plugin offers.
  • Custom Fields for Events
  • Date range support
  • Dark/Light skin color.
  • iCal feed export / import
  • RSS Support
  • Filter Events by Category
  • Different Layouts Included
  • Built-in cache feature to improve load speed and save bandwidth
  • WPML support Translate it easily through a PO file or from the admin panel
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Simple to Customize Tons of options to personalize your calendar
  • and more


2.5.1 -Fixed issues importing events from icalImproved general styles2.5 -Added color field in new event formAdded extra dates for events2.4.9 -Added iCal button in single pageImproved iCal / FB event importFixed responsiveness on weekly view2.4.8 -Added phone field for bookingsAdded marker dragging option in Google Map field for new eventsFixed issue with WPML, display duplicated eventsAdded Pagination parameter for shortcodes and widgets2.4.7 -Added columns option for upcoming events widgetAdded Facebook Page events importAdded option to set the number of upcoming dates in bookingsFixed some events not being displayed in upcoming widget2.4.6 -Fixed issues in Google Map viewFixed issue with past eventsFixed minor css issuesFixed issue saving event description in the frontend2.4.5b -Fixed issue adding calendars in latest update 2.4.5 -Added checkbox type for event custom fieldsAdded Text editor for frontend formsAdded Enable bookings, price and limit fields for event forms2.4.4 (Requires WP 4.1+) -Added quantity for bookingsImproved performanceAdded skin color to calendar layouts2.4.3 -Added Attendees numberAdded send email to user when event is publishedAdded skin colors for accordion and new event form layouts2.4.2 -Added Event colorsAdded option to remove Gmap js fileAdded list layout for weekly / daily viewAdded user roles option to allow users create new event2.4.1 -Bugfixes2.4 -Added option to display event titles on calendar layoutAdded Facebook URL and custom fields in the Event single pageAdded more recurring options in the frontend form2.3.9 -Fixed issue with Facebook Event importAdded custom fields for eventsAdded limit words for accordion widgets2.3.8 -Bug Fixes2.3.7 -Fixed RSS issueImproved support for the Pro Event Calendar Payment Extension2.3.6 -Fixed minor issuesAdded export bookings list to excelAdded iCal feed Sync supportImproved backend UIReplaced icons with Font-Awesome2.3.5 -Fixed issues with book event buttonAdded Limit of bookings optionAdded option to import events from Facebook2.3.4 -Fixed issue with past eventsFixed issue with iCal feedFixed issue with Booking button2.3.3 - Added Weekly ViewAdded "view" parameter in shortcodes2.3.2 - Added Past Events ShortcodeAdded List of booked events for the current logged in userAdded List of events created by the current logged in user2.3.1 - Improved Booking systemAdded support for Booking Payment ExtensionFixed minor issues2.3 - Added upcoming events shortcode / widget with Grid layout.2.2.9 -Improved month / anual navigation in monthly view.2.2.8 -Fixed datepicker translations.Added optional End TimeAdded shortcode to display a specific event2.2.7 -Fixed current date in cache mode.Added WPML support (beta)Added option to exclude specific dates from recurring events2.2.6 -Added Multiple categories for the "Add new event" form in the frontendAdded Events by author in calendar layout2.2.5 -Added Event data in pages automaticallyAdded Booking button in Event pagesAdded iCal button in accordion layout.2.2.4 - Added option to select a category when importing a iCal (ics) fileAdded option to enable booking for events (beta)2.2.3 - Added option to import iCal files (ics)Fixed issue with monthly recurring events2.2.2 - Added more options for monthly events2.2.1b - Fixed issues with the last update2.2.1 - Added Cache optionAdded option to assign an event to multiple calendarsImproved CSS in Add Event form inside the monthly layout2.2 -Added RTL SupportAdded Full Images in events instead of thumbnailsAdded button for logged in users to remove their events in the frontend2.1.9 -Added option to display the event authorAdded more options for weekly events2.1.8b -Fixed issue not saving new calendars from the latest update (2.1.8)2.1.8 -Added option to customize the frontend form fieldsAdded option to allow logged in users to edit their own events2.1.7 -Added option to hide old datesAdded option to limit hours in daily viewAdded Phone field for eventsFixed issue with AM/PM in the "Add event" frontend form2.1.6 -Improved support for latest version of Article Social ShareAdded possibility to display events from a specific category in the calendar view2.1.4b -Fixed issue in last update displaying part of the event text.2.1.4 -Added more options for daily eventsFixed issue adding new calendars2.1.3 -Added category list to filter eventsAdded possibility to add events for non-logged in usersFixed issue with Social Share2.1.1 -Added option to allow logged-in users rate events.Added Google Map upcoming events shortcode and widget.Added support for Wp Article Social Share (http://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-article-social-share/6247263) plugin2.1 -Added category dropdown in "add event" frontend form.Added button to subscribe via Mailchimp to a calendar.2.0.9 -Added option to add an image in new event form on the frontendAdded search field in accordion layoutAdded option to auto-publish all events sent by users on the frontend.2.0.8 -Fixed issue in upcoming events widget using "Accordion" layout2.0.7 -Added Accordion layout to upcoming events listAdded option to receive an email when a user submits a new event2.0.6 -Fixed minor layout issuesAdded category dropdown in calendar view2.0.5 -Added shortcodes for event pageImproved events searchImproved list events by author shortcode2.0.4b -Fixed issue with add-event shortcode2.0.4 -Added Today's events shortcode and widgetAdded option to include rating in eventsFixed some conflicts with datepicker CSS2.0.3 -Improved some CSS stylesAdded option to link events with post type pageAdded featured images in events lists and preview2.0.2Added standalone form to add new events in the frontend2.0.1Added new layout and widget "Accordion List" Fixed issues displaying some events in the upcoming events widgetAdded Custom Shortcodes generator section2.0Improved responsiveness with preview tooltips1.9.9Fixed issue with "view all events" button in IE 8.Updated placeholder.js plugin1.9.8Fixed issue including the JS/CSS files when the shortcode is not used.1.9.7Fixed issue with yearly events in upcoming events widget1.9.6Fixed issue creating calendars in some servers1.9.5Added "Monthly Events List" default view option1.9.4Fixed issue with jQuery 1.10.2.Fixed issue with other custom post types1.9.3Fixed issue with sorting in upcoming events widget.1.9.2Fixed issue with events preview when the position of the body is relativeAdded End Date in "View all events" mode.Added Date sortable column in events list.1.9.1Fixed issue with yearly/monthly events in upcoming events widget.1.9Fixed issue with displaying daily events in upcoming events widgetv1.8.9Fixed issue with colorpicker in WP 3.6v1.8.8Fixed issue with speed load in some serversFixed issue with tooltip in WP 3.6v1.8.7Fixed issue with upcoming events widget in WP multisite.v1.8.6Fixed minor issues in wp-admin and upcoming events widget.v1.8.4Added option to select specific event category in upcoming widgetFixed issue with frontend event formv1.8.3Fixed minor issues in upcoming events widgetFixed issue with datepicker in eventsv1.8.2Fixed minor issues with last updatev1.8.1Added option to let users submit an event in the frontend.Fixed issue in "View all events" buttonv1.8Added Custom CSS optionAdded Categories for eventsAdded Duplicate/clone events optionAdded columns in events list (wp-admin)Fixed issue in "View all events" buttonv1.7.9Added translation fields for "Monthly" and "Daily" ButtonsAdded Show/Hide Monthly and Daily buttons optionFixed issue displaying notes in iCal feedFixed issue in "All events in the month" listv1.7.7Fixed issue in wp-admin with last updatev1.7.6Fixed Timezone issues with iCal feedAdded "Daily" viewAdded feature to see all events in a monthImproved UIv1.7.5Fixed issue in WP multisite installationsFixed issue with event counter in calendar pagev1.7.3Fixed issue displaying events in trashFixed issue filtering events by calendarFixed warning errors in events list pagev1.7.1Fixed issue removing "preselected date" in calendarsv1.7Added iCal feed button in calendarAdded Description, location and URL to iCalFixed issues with iCal feedv1.6.9Added option to allow plugin access to different user rolesv1.6.8Fixed an issue with the update notifierv1.6.7Fixed an issue in search resultsv1.6.6Fixed an issue in upcoming events widgetv1.6.5Fixed an issue with daily frecuency in eventsv1.6.4Added Hide Time option in eventsAdded Location option in eventsv1.6.3Added RSS feed export optionv1.6.2Added shortcode support in events descriptionv1.6.1Added iCal feed export option.v1.6Added plugin update notification.v1.5.3Fixed an issue with timezonesv1.5.2Fixed compatibility issues with jquery versionsv1.5.1Fixed an issue with jQuery 1.9v1.5Fixed an issue with the upcoming events widget and recurring events.v1.4.9Fixed an issue in event descriptions paragraphs.v1.4.8Fixed an issue in preview of events.v1.4.7Fixed an issue scrolling in mobile devicesv1.4.6Fixed a minor issue in widgets titles.v1.4.5Fixed an issue with the last updatev1.4.4Added End Time featurev1.4.3Improved Date numbers styleAdded Option to display a list of events in a day on mouse overImproved Admin UIv1.4.2Fixed an issue with MySQL timezone.v1.4.1Fixed an issue editing events.v1.4Fixed browser compatibility issues.v1.3.9Added TinyMCE editor for events descriptionv1.3.8Fixed responsiveness issues.Fixed dates width issue.v1.3.7Added upcoming events from shortcode.Added option to use a "X" instead of a count of events on dates.v1.3.5Fixed a width issue with widgets.v 1.3.4Fixed an issue with the Google maps.Fixed an issue with the Upcoming events widget.Fixed an issue adding special dates.v 1.3.3bFixed minor issues in dates.v 1.3.3Added Google Map Support.v 1.3.2Fixed events order.v 1.3.1Added dark skin color.v 1.3Fixed issues with Hebrew characters.v 1.2.9Fixed a minor issue with Firefox.v 1.2.8Added MultiSite support.v 1.2.7Fixed minor display issues.v 1.2.6Fixed an issue searching events.v 1.2.5Added Upcoming Events Widget.Fixed minor issues.v 1.2.3Added Current Date Colorv 1.2.2Fixed an issue with weekly frecuencyv 1.2.1Fixed minor issues with mobile devicesv 1.2Fixed an issue with UTCFixed minor browser compatibility issues.v 1.1Fixed issues with month translationAdded the possibility to select Monday/Sunday as the first day to display in the calendar

Wordpress Pro Event Calendar - WordPress | CodeCanyon
The Pro Event Calendar plugin adds a professional and Wordpress Pro Event Calendar clone events option Added columns in events list (wp

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Users looking for more timely/in-depth support are encouraged to check out Events Calendar PRO. The Events Calendar is crafted the WordPress way.

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The Events Calendar. The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. WordPress + Plugin

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Get Business Calendar. WordPress Pro Event Calendar. Im new to designing with WordPress. I love WP Engine, so grateful I found you.

WordPress The Events Calendar « WordPress Plugins
Users looking for more timely/in-depth support are encouraged to check out Events Calendar PRO. The Events Calendar is built and supported by WordPress artisans

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The Events Calendar is a professional events WordPress plugin that has a beautiful clean style. The custom post type that is used to store event information allows

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Upgrade to WordPress Event Calendar Pro to add features: To get access to the theme section you need to purchase the Pro version of the Event calendar WD.

Wordpress Pro Event Calendar - WordPress Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin