Exhibit - Responsive WordPress Theme - WordPress

Exhibits clean design elements and a strict grid gives the theme an organized layout that is easy to read and awesome to look at. Exhibit is fully responsive theme that can display your video, images, audio, galleries, asides, links, quotes and standard posts.


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Change log

Version 1.8 (August 26, 2015)- WordPress 4.3 support- New TK plugins support- Contact form and page template update- widget fixes- Various layout and JS fixes- Files changed: _contact.php, functions.php, sendcontact.php, style.css, inc/admin-settings.php, inc/advert-widget.php, inc/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php, inc/theme-settings.php, inc/plugins/shortcodes.zip, inc/widgets/widget-newsletter.php, inc/widgets/widget-twitter.php, script/common.jsVersion 1.7.1 (November 24, 2014)- Added widget area below category navigation- Added latest version of shortcodes plugin- Small visual fixes- Updated twitter icon- Files changed: functions.php, inc/category_navigation.php, inc/plugins/shortcodes.zip, style/shortcodes.css, style/style.css, style/img/footer-icon1.png- Files added: inc/main_sidebar.phpVersion 1.7 (June 24, 2014)- Removed old shortcodes and added shortcodes plugin- Fixed issue with gravatar in comments- Fixed issue with twitter hashtag link- Newsletter widget now uses MadMimi instead of SendLoop- Files changed: comments.php, functions.php, header.php, inc/widgets/widget-newsletter.php, style/style.css- Files added: inc/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php, inc/plugins/shortcodes.zip, script/madmimi/madmimi.js, style/admin.css, style/shortcodes.css- Removed inc/shortcodes folderVersion 1.6.1 (10.02.2014)- Fixed issue with loading home page posts- Files changed: /inc/postformats/loadmore.phpVersion 1.6 (17.06.2013)-twitter widget update-administration updateFiles changed: /functions.php/inc/admin-settings.php/inc/theme-settings.php/inc/widgets/widget-twitter.php/script/twitter/TwitterAPIExchange.phpVersion 1.5 (08.05.2013)- fixed load more buttonFiles changed: /inc/loadmore.php , /category.phpVersion 1.4.2 (02.04.2013)Updated files: /postformats/standard.php, /postformats/aside.php, /postformats/audio.php, /postformats/video.php, /postformats/link.php, /postformats/quote.php, /postformats/image.php Version 1.4.1 (15.01.2013)- Fixed problem with using child theme for Exhibit- Files changed: functions.phpVersion 1.4 (17.12.2012)- Update for WordPress 3.5Version 1.3 (06.11.2012)- Added post author and post date into single postVersion 1.2 (17.10.2012)- Fixed gallery on internet explorer- Files changed: flexslider.cssVersion 1.1 (05.10.2012)- Fixed issue on IE8 running on smaller resolutions- Files changed: header.php, style/style.css, style/ie8.css


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Exhibit - Responsive WordPress Theme
Exhibits clean design elements and a strict grid gives the theme an organized layout that is easy to read and awesome to look at. Exhibit is fully responsive theme

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$40. Important: I am very sorry to say that due to work, I am no longer able to provide support for this theme. Exhibit was specifically designed for creatives to

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Exhibition Theme. Exhibition Theme is clean and modern WordPress theme with a blog like design. This is perfect theme for any artist to showcase their portfolio and

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Review on Exhibition WP WordPress Theme Exhibition WP WordPress Theme is a responsive Theme powered exclusively for landing pages for art galleries and

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Exhibit - Responsive WordPress Theme - WordPress Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin