A WordPress plugin to automatically insert your referral username onto any Envato marketplace URL . If the URL already has a referral code on it, it will replace it with yours
The beauty of this, is that you dont have to be an author to participate in Envatos Referral scheme. Seeing as youre already a member when you purchase this script, you simply use your username and can start referring users right away.
- Single file plugin
- Quick, simple and painless install
- Easily change your referral username
- If referral code is already present, it will replace it with your username
- Works for all current marketplaces
- Updates for future Marketplaces included
- Automatically generate referral URLs from within content, excerpts, RSS , comments, comments URL and comments RSS feed.
Installation and Setup
- Upload PHP script to plugins directory either by FTP or from within WordPress
- Navigate to Plugins
- Activate Plugin
- Navigate to Settings, then click the Envato Referral section
- Enter username and save
Automatic Envato Referral URL Wordpress Plugin - CodeCanyon
A WordPress plugin to automatically insert your referral username onto any Envato marketplace URL . If the URL already has a referral code on it, it will replace it
WordPress Affiliate & Referral Plugin - CodeCanyon
Boost your website and your business with this premium WordPress affiliate plugin. Referral Custom registration URL WordPress Referral Plugin
Envato WordPress Toolkit A ThemeForest Auto-Updater
. The Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin lets you view your ThemeForest [url]=http%3A%2F%2Fpremium.wpmudev Its yet to have its own auto
WordPress referral « Tags « WordPress Plugins
user agent and referrer url from visiting your WordPress's blog WordPress Referral is a very useful plugin that extends your Automatic integration of
envato/envato-wordpress-toolkit · GitHub
envato-wordpress-toolkit This toolkit plugin establishes an Envato Marketplace API connection to take advantage Temporary download URL to a WordPress item you
Integrating the Envato WordPress Toolkit to Your Theme ...
mytheme/plugins/envato-wordpress-toolkit-master.zip; // Specify the Envato Toolkit plugin $plugins = array , 'external_url' => '', )
Envato WordPress Toolkit - Market Blog
Hey everyone! Letting you know weve just released the Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin v1.4 (just the plugin, not the library, at this stage).
WordPress WP URLs Shortener + Social icons [Official ...
Automatic wordpress link shortner, shorterns posts, pages, categories, affiliate links, shorten external links or any URL via ref.li
AutoDealer Car Dealer WordPress Theme - WordPress ...
WP Auto Manager automatic plugins installation message not option to change vehicle slug url from theme options panel Theme Updated Files
kasparsd/envato-automatic-plugin-update · GitHub
envato-automatic-plugin-update - WordPress plugin library for kasparsd / envato-automatic-plugin-update. Code; Issues; Pull requests; Pulse; Graphs; HTTPS clone URL.
A WordPress plugin to automatically insert your referral username onto any Envato marketplace URL . If the URL already has a referral code on it, it will replace it
WordPress Affiliate & Referral Plugin - CodeCanyon
Boost your website and your business with this premium WordPress affiliate plugin. Referral Custom registration URL WordPress Referral Plugin
Envato WordPress Toolkit A ThemeForest Auto-Updater
. The Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin lets you view your ThemeForest [url]=http%3A%2F%2Fpremium.wpmudev Its yet to have its own auto
WordPress referral « Tags « WordPress Plugins
user agent and referrer url from visiting your WordPress's blog WordPress Referral is a very useful plugin that extends your Automatic integration of
envato/envato-wordpress-toolkit · GitHub
envato-wordpress-toolkit This toolkit plugin establishes an Envato Marketplace API connection to take advantage Temporary download URL to a WordPress item you
Integrating the Envato WordPress Toolkit to Your Theme ...
mytheme/plugins/envato-wordpress-toolkit-master.zip; // Specify the Envato Toolkit plugin $plugins = array , 'external_url' => '', )
Envato WordPress Toolkit - Market Blog
Hey everyone! Letting you know weve just released the Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin v1.4 (just the plugin, not the library, at this stage).
WordPress WP URLs Shortener + Social icons [Official ...
Automatic wordpress link shortner, shorterns posts, pages, categories, affiliate links, shorten external links or any URL via ref.li
AutoDealer Car Dealer WordPress Theme - WordPress ...
WP Auto Manager automatic plugins installation message not option to change vehicle slug url from theme options panel Theme Updated Files
kasparsd/envato-automatic-plugin-update · GitHub
envato-automatic-plugin-update - WordPress plugin library for kasparsd / envato-automatic-plugin-update. Code; Issues; Pull requests; Pulse; Graphs; HTTPS clone URL.