Flowfolio is a definitely fantastic and unique responsible and fullscreen theme designed for photography presentation, you could use it for your portfolios, eMagazine or any other purpose if you have many beautiful pictures to share with others.
We do much JS coding works to make the interaction more smooth and polished, for all the details, for the perfect user experience.
In Fullscreen mode, the user could view all the photographies from one post to the next, it support Manually and automatically switches, sharing, maps(optional), etc.
- Beautiful transitions
- 4 Post Formats for Your Different Requirements, include:
- Standard
- Gallery
- Audio
- Video (Youtube / Vimeo / Fullscreen)
- Auto Infinite-Scroll Pagination
- Google Maps
- Visualization Shortcodes Generator
- Custom 60+ options
- The title/excerpt/readmore font and color, block BGcolor/width in list page
- The Copyright/Search style
- The title style, meta, content area bgcolor and social icons in content page
- Responds and contact box bgcolor, border and active settings
- Support Google Web Fonts
- Sort posts in list page by title/date/modified/id/comment count/author
- iPad & iPhone & Android Tested
- One click demo data
- Dynamic Image Resizing
- Social Like icons for posts
- .po file ready
- If you have to use some plugins, please be sure to confirm to us before buying.
- Ajax transitions is not supported in IE7/8.
v1.2.8 6/28/2015- [fix] prettyPhoto XSS fix
- [fix]Standard format post width option
- functions/posttype folderv1.2.7 9/07/2014
- [fix] Gallery format post option in admin
- functions/posttype folderv1.2.6 6/02/2014
- [fix] Close button in IE
- [fix] Save button in theme optoin
- style.css- styles/ie8.css- styles/ie7.css- functions/include_custom_style.php- functions/option/options-framework.phpv1.2.5 5/01/2014
- [fix] Shortcode icon not shown in wordpress3.9
- functions/include_block.php- functions/functions.php- functions/shortcodeui folder removed- functions/shortcode folder added- style.cssv1.2.4 4/23/2014
- [fix] Home width in mobile
- [fix] Social icon issue in retina ios7
- [improve] Slide image centered in home
- functions/include_block.php- css/responsive.css- css/retina.css- style.css- js/jquery.backslider.min.js- functions/include_bg_slider.php
[add] HTML version
v1.2.3 9/25/2013- [fix] Twitter button url issue
- [fix] Gallery post image caption bug in IE
- js/main.js- single.php- functions/include_block.php- single.php- style.cssv1.2.2 8/17/2013
- [fix] Home backslider squashed in mobile
- style.css
- [fix] Map not shown in ios 6 device
- single.php- js/main.js
- [fix] Twitter share name, pinterest share icon
- functions/include_block.php- single.php- options.php
- [improve] Home Background slider smoother
- functions/include_bg_slider.php- functions.php- js/jquery.backslider.min.js- css/backslider.css
- [fix]Respond box width in pad
- [fix] Editor shortcode icon not shown
- functions/shortcodeui/plugin.js
- [fix] Image of contetn left/right/center, height scale
- style.css
- [fix] Latest twitter
- header.php
- [fix] Sub Menu gap
- [fix] Main font type invalid
- [add] Import/Expert tab in Theme option panel
- [improve] wp-head & wp-foot position
- [add] Latest Twitter under menus
- [add] Instagram to social icons
- [add] Slider Interval optino
- [fix] Noajax option in menu
- [improve] Image uploader for gallery post
- [improve] More smoother backgorund slider
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flowfolio wordpress theme is a responsible and fullscreen theme designed for photography presentation, you could use it for your portfolios, eMagazine or any
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Hi! I would love to purchase this theme, however, have a couple of questions. One, is there a reason why the background image is not fixed on iPad/iPhone?
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